
What is wrong with my filling?

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About a month ago I had a small white filling in an upper molar. The filling wasn't very deep and didn't hurt at all, but after a few days it became very sensitive to pressure. I started feeling very strong and unpleasant nerve twinges whenever I bit anything hard using that tooth- they weren't painful but made me wince.

My dentist doesn't know what caused the problem, but she replaced the filling and said that should solve it. After a few days it started feeling sensitive again.

I have now booked an appointment for next week, but I can't keep having the filling replaced, especially if this is doing nothing to reduce the sensitivity. What should I ask my dentist for? Could the tooth be cracked? I really don't want a silver filling, but would an amalgam filling or a crown be a better option? That said a composite filling shouldn't cause problems at all- I have one other which is fine- so what could be wrong with this new one?

PS: I am in the UK, with an NHS dentist




  1. This may be a dumb question, but has she checked the surface to make sure that it is drilled down enough so that your bite is the same as it was before? Sometimes if they don't drill the filling down to the exact form your tooth was in before, you can get referred pain on that whole side of your mouth. Once the problem is fixed, your mouth will still be fairily sensitive for about a week afterwards. This is really a question that you should see your dentist about though, as none of us have a D.D.S. following our name.... haha! Good luck!

  2. I'm having exactly the same problem as you. I got a white filling about 2 months ago and after a few weeks it started to feel really sensitive whenever I bit anything, a sort of brain freeze feeling but on just one tooth whenever I tried to chew. I went to the dentist and he said it was that the filling was too high, he made the surface smoother but it didn't help.

    I got an appointment tomorrow, after over a month of suffering and only being able to chew on one side of my mouth.

    He also said that if the pain continued, a root canal would be needed :-(

    Ask your dentist if it has anything to do with the root.

    I hope everything goes okay and your tooth gets better!

    *I wasted 90 pounds for a white filling, they should try to do their job properly!

  3. Being with an NHS dentist you don't get much choice on what you get, try a silver filling, and if it doesn't settle down after that.......root canal!!!

    Unless you're paying to go private you aint got much choice!!!

    Best of luck

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