
What is wrong with my foot? There is a lot of pain and I know its not broken.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so, I'm a runner and I've had a lot of injuries in my legs (shins splints, stress fractures, torn meniscus, and I pulled something in my foot) Anyway, I don't run as much anymore, but I still have a lot of pain in the top of my foot. Then I was talking to someone and they were saying things about bone fragments that can stay the an area after an injury, and I need to know facts about that. or anything related to that.




  1. It could be a lot of things. Ranging from damaged tendons and ligaments, avulsion fractures, to misalignment of your bones in the ankle.

    I recommend you consult with these chiropractors, they can take a look at your foot and possibly help you.

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