
What is wrong with my goldfish? Please help

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Well I had my goldfish for 1 week or more now but there is something wrong with it:

1.The skin is peeling

2.Black dot on top lip, I'm thinking its dried blood

3.Swimming is weak




  1. Well, this could be do to a few things..

    1. Temperature is not efficient. Goldfish are cold water fish and need lots of care on temperature.

    2. How long has it been since the tank was last cleaned out? The ammonia level could easily be way too high, making your fish as sick as he sounds.

    He could also have an infection. If you have other fish, most likely new, then they can be a primary cause of giving infections/illnesses to other fish. Goldfish are famous for this.

    I'm sorry about your fish, but at this point he's no doubt going to die. :(  I really hope he gets better.

    Hey I'm glad that you got a new fish tank! The old one probably had a lot of bacteria in it, which could be another reason your buddy got sick. Well maybe with this new tank he will start to come around. Make sure to let the water sit over night before you get him in the new tank.

  2. i think he becoming old  

  3. Fish do not just "get ill".  See website below.

    There are two causes -

    1 - your neglect, either your maintenance schedule is poor or you don't know what you're doing (this is not meant to be nasty, but a fact - I have fallen into this category, especially at the beginning and very recently (though my tank had cycled and my fish nearly died).

    2 - infection from new fish - if you get new fish, try and put them in a quarantine tank for two weeks. If this is impossible watch your fish for any signs of illness.

    One other fact:  black spots could indicate your ammonia level in the water is too high and these could be ammonia burns.  Make sure you're changing at least a third of the water every week.  Goldfish are extremely dirty.

    I hope he comes around.  Good luck!

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