
What is wrong with my hammy?!?

by  |  earlier

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she is new. like a week ago i got her. she scratches herself alot. like a (dog scratches its back with its leg). i kno hammys do that but she does it alot! and sometimes she rubs against the side of the cage on her back

( like a cat would do to your leg)and she poops a LOT!! i cleaned her cage and then 1 hr later i looked in her cage and i looked where she pooped and there wuz 12 turds!!!!!! i dont feed her too much because i just have a bowl 4 her and she barely eats out of it!!! wtf?!

i got her from petsmart.

ive already had 3 hammys so i have experience.

i cant take her to the vet because my dad thinks its stupid to take a 15$ hammy to a vet!!!





  1. its not stupid to take an animal to the vet!!! they still have feelings.

  2. Excessive scratching can be a sign of mites in the fur. The mites will irritate the hamster's skin and so the hamster will scratch excessively. The skin hence appears sore and red and there is fur loss. On close inspection the mites may be seen as small specks moving through the coat of the hamster.

    Mild cases of mite infestations can be treated with an anti-mite spray designed for caged birds or small animals available from pet shops. The head of the hamster should be shielded to avoid spraying into the eyes and the body sprayed. The cage should be cleaned, sprayed with the anti-mite spray and clean bedding should be provided. This treatment should be repeated as directed on the anti-mite spray.

    You can take her to Petsmart who can check her fur and decide if she has mites or not.

    Pooping a lot is pretty normal in young hamsters, especially one that is only one week old in your new environment. You need not clean the cage everytime she poops, clean it once a week or twice a week if you feel it is getting dirty faster. Use a good bedding like Carefresh and you need to clean only once a week.

    Don't limit her food because of the pooping. She is in her growing phase and requires lots of food. Make sure her food dish is always topped with a good quality commercial hamster mix.

    And though she might cost only 15$, she is a life too, so respect her as a life and be prepared to take her to a vet when circumstances arise.

  3. It might be mites or an allergy. I found a website that talks about health problems that might help.

  4. may ave ticks or mitesor soming try a sand bath they wil get rid of them just get chinchilla san that works no so sure about the p**p t may just be wt u feed it try changingits diet they may have some effect on it if not then ask a pet shop they may know wt it is hope this helps !! good luck!!!

  5. Okay. The pooing part is absolutely normal. Especially if it's new. Your hammy is just a bit scared. And even if she weren't scared, she would still poo. You wouldn't imagine how my hamster poos, i take her out of the cage and the ground is filled with poo within seconds. Well... not rly seconds. But t**d is normal. Really.

    Hammys scratch their self alot! My hammy does that lots too! But that's nothing to worry about. Cuz i've had him for nearly a year! And my hamster always rubs his nose too! Lol. Hmmm... rubs against the wall. Ya, my hammy did that too. But it was cuz i kept on dripping water droplets from her bottle onto her fur. Hamsters will die if they touch water, they don't like it. And yes, i am very cruel before. But i am very nice to my hammy now. :D It's probably cuz of ur bottle. Or something is dripping on her.

    Another thing. Mites. Mites can cause damage too! Although i've never had experience with mites... i think there's a possibility. I've read lots about it. If it isn't any of the above, (above as in water drops, e.t.c) you should take her to the vet. So you can check if she has mites.

    Hope this helps, if necessary, you should go to the vet just in case. Good luck with your hammy. =]

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