
What is wrong with my houseplant? Pics included.?

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I don't even know what kind of houseplant this is, although I'm pretty sure it's some kind of Palm. But I don't know why it has gone yellow like this. Any suggestions?

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Pic 2 -




  1. Not to take away from what any of the others said because they're all certainly reasonable answers, but as palms grow the oldest fronds will die. Palms like these grow in layers each new frond adding to the layer before. So from time to time a dead frond is just the nature of the beast. Also nobody mentioned feeding the palm. Try to find a palm specific fertilizer  they're usually an 8-6-6. Palms need nitrogen to maintain that healthy green look.  

  2. There are a couple of things that could be wrong. First of all it looks like it is right next to a window and it is possible it got a bit fried on that particular branch if the sun is hitting it at a certain angle.

    The other thought is that when plants turn yellow or brown on their lower branches it is usually too much water. If the top leaves or fronds are turning it is not enough water.

    So, I would suggest moving it a little further from the window and not watering it quite so much. Let it dry out and then give it only about two cups of water at a time. It also could be in shock if you recently moved it or repotted it. Just cut off the brown portion and see what happens. Good luck!

  3. Pink:  Your plant needs to be replanted into bigger pot. it is coming root bound.

    Good Luck

  4. This is a palm tree. They like one spot and don't like to be moved around. It looks like you are over watering it. Give it a good soaking once every 2 weeks. And keep it in a sunny spot.  

  5. It looks like a Majesty Palm.  It is most likely a watering problem.  You may be over or under watering the palm. If its yellowing before browning significantly you're overwatering.  If the fronds are browning quickly, you may be under watering the plant.

    Good luck!

  6. The plant that you have is a Majesty Palm.  The Majesty Palm has a few requirements - lots of water, bright light or full sun and feed it heavy. That means in the middle of the week you should check it and if it seems dry or light weight give it at least half the amount of water you give it on the weekends. Full sun means move it to a south facing window and leave the blinds and drapes open all day long. Feed it heavy means add a dose of half strength water soluable fertilizer like Miracle Grow every 2 weeks to your fertilizer spikes you already have in place. The brown leaf is coming from not enough water and/or being rootbound.  

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