
What is wrong with my iPod Battery?

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I have a 6GB iPod (classic?), it's probably 4 or 5 years old. The battery will say it is charged after 10 or 15 minutes of charging. Then when I use it, it'll last for an hour or two, then "die." But, if I turn it back on after a moment, it'll work again for a while longer. What do you think is wrong with it? Is it worth spending $60 or $70 to fix it? Or should I get a new one?




  1. What's wrong with it is that it's old. IPod batteries lose their ability to hold a charge two to four years after you get them (it differs by how you use and charge the iPod). If you think it's worth spending the money to get it replaced, then go for it. If your iPod still works (other than the battery) and you don't need more space than you've got, you might just want to get it fixed. But if you like the new iPods, then get one of those. It's really what you think is worth it.

  2. the battery is damaged and i think that it is not worth getting it fix. just get a new one. out with the old, in with the new. lol

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