
What is wrong with my internet and how do I fix it?

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A few days ago (there is a question that I thought was resolved on here about it), I started getting random pop-ups constantly (about 1 every minute) on Internet Explorer. The advice I got was basically just to switch to Mozilla Firefox. I still thought it couldn't be good to have something going wrong with my Internet Explorer even if I know longer used it, so I kept trying to deal with it. I couldn't find any answers (at least ones that worked) online. I used adaware and found a bunch of stuff, but that didn't fix the problem. I ran some program from Windows' website to look for malicious things on my computer, and there wasn't anything found. I ran a program (that I don't recall the name of) that supposedly was designed to find a specific kind of virus that did this and that program found nothing. I deleted all my cookies and temporary internet files and all that and the problem was still there.

Now, today, my internet doesn't work. I can't be sure this is actually related as my internet has been having issues for various reasons for a while and a whole lot longer than this pop-up problem has been going on, but then I got on the other computer (which I am on now) and noticed that the internet was working on this computer that uses the same internet.

As I said, I don't know if my internet now being down on my computer is related to these constant pop-ups or not and may even be able to figure out the down internet problem on my own (if it isn't related), but does anyone know of some virus that does this and how to get rid of the virus or anything else? This problem (if the down internet is related) seems to be getting worse and I'd really like to stop it.




  1. Hello F. Softball, what you have here is a from of spyware/malware and you can get rid of all the pop-ups by using this spyware program. (  So click on this link to get srarted ok. This spyware program is very good and I always highly recomend it to any and everyone who need a good and reliable spyware program, it get rid of and continuelly protects the computer from (spyware, malware, adware, trojan horses, and some computer worms)  So click on the link, install and run a scan soon as possible, and it is Free . you will be happy that you did use this program. Good Luck

  2. Could you be talking about Vista antivirus 2008 or XP antivirus 2008. IF you are then I've listed some sites that may help. As far as internet problems go, you still need to do some detective work. Is this an intermittent problem or constant? I know i've had to call tech support to get them to walk me through setting up a connection again. I have DSL by the way.  

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