
What is wrong with my kettle?

by  |  earlier

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i de-scale it (semi) regularly, rinse it, filter my water, clean my cup etc. etc. and STILL i have either scummy water or horrible limescale bits at the bottom of my cup. any suggestions?




  1. Buy a new kettle from Curry's, they are the cheapest, alternatively, move to scotland where our water is cleaner with no lime scale

  2. get clean water

  3. kettles broken

  4. they're all the same. i'd use a saucepan

  5. You're probably residing in a hard water area.

    If you've had your kettle for a long time now, it may be time for you to invest in a new one. Try going for one that has a filter built into it, and keep on descaling it on a regular basis.

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