
What is wrong with my laptops display?

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Twice today the display on my laptop all of a sudden just turned off. I had head phones in both times and the music I was listening to stopped playing also.

I was thinking maybe it's crashing but the "blue screen of death" never showed up. I had to press the power button and wait for it to turn off and turn it back on.

This sometimes happens when the laptop is on "Hibernate" when I turn it back on, the display won't come on.

Anyone know what might be wrong here?

How can I fix it??

(Also I just got my laptop back a couple weeks ago from it being fixed from a bad virus that kept making it crash. A whole bunch of things were fried when I got it back, I had to get a new hard drive and new RAM. Could this be another thing that got fried? ((the hibernate thing also happened before the virus incident happened)).).




  1. Sounds as if your "powersave" option has been reset, and as you say you were listening to headphones I'm guessing you weren't using the keyboard, so the laptop powersave function worked on the basis that your machine wasn't being used and turned the display off.

    To change this to how you want it to be you need to go into control panel and adjust your options and time limits.

    If this doesn't work or there are other factors please let me know.

  2. It sounds like there may be a problem with the mother board.  This may have been the initial problem and just diagnosed incorrectly.  It is very unlikely that the hard drive and ram would be "fried" at the same time unless the computer took a power spike.

    The virus wouldn't have caused the hardware to go bad.

  3. I am not really sure how these things got "fried"...A virus can NOT fry a Hard Drive or Ram. A virus cannot physically harm any PC component, only software. R u sure that the technician did not mess it up?

  4. Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This  problem can be solved by uninstalling new software, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

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