
What is wrong with my life?

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I don't really know how to ask this...

It's like, how can you just stop caring what other people think of you and get on with life?

I feel like my obsession with impressing people is getting in the way of who I am.

I'm popular at my school (in the real sense, well-liked. I'm not like hanging out with the super popular group)

I just don't know how to say it. One second I'm sad, the next I'm seems like being sad is easier than being happy because you've got nothing to lose. I can never just be happy with the life I have and I want to know how. What should I do?




  1. What helped me get over my own self-consciousness was to start ignoring the negative, self-deprecating voices inside my head and to realize that in the grand scheme of the world and the billions of people in it, I'm pretty much inconsequential. So I figure I might as well have fun and do things that make me happy and feel good, as long as I'm not hurting anyone.

    In 50 to 75 years, most of us are going to be dead and nobody is going to remember any of the stupid or awkward stuff we've done. We are all allowed to make some mistakes. So...learn to forgive yourself.

    Treat yourself kindly and with love and respect. I wish you luck.

  2. Think about how good your life is compared to the people who have aids in africa and are stuck in the war in iraq. Try to think positive and try to believe it as much as you can! Tell yourself: I am pretty, smart and flawless every morning and laugh out loud for yourself in front of the mirror!. I do that and it really helps! It might take more than an hour to work, compared to how much you really believe it then it might take a few days. But if you dont really believe it, it might take a few weeks!. So believe! Good luck and if something bad happens scream into the pillow or somtehing! its ok to cry and be sad sometimes though, so dont punish yourself if you are

  3. i think you have to be very confident with yourself to just not care about others opinions

    i don't know

    with me i really don't give a d**n about people i don't like or socialize with

    you have to learn to think like "you know...i really don't like that kid...and i don't care what he thinks of me"

  4. Hi, I know exactly what you mean, when I was in High School (6 years ago) I was pretty popular. And I'm talking about really popular, I never even considered myself pretty or anything, but I was really funny. A part of me wanted to be funny because I wanted to be noticed. I still always try to be funny but a part in me inside is sad. I feel like I haven't accomplished enough in my life.

    But anyways, you should travel, save some money and go to Hawaii, try to feel something that you'll be feeling accomplish. That what I did when I was 18 and I felt wonderful, but after marrying and stopping doing what I liked to do. I became the same person I was in High School.

  5. I know how you feel. I'm pretty social too and I'm expected most of the time to be in a good mood. But sometimes it's just too much and I'm sad and people get all worried what's wrong with me. But I make things clear to them right away. "Look, I'm a human being, I have my good and bad days." With time I just stopped caring. I usually care only about those that mean something to me.  

  6. That's actually a very hard question to answer. I go through it every day. But I feel I am starting to get better about the situation and I will explain to you why and how:

    In a way, I've learned to block out people other than my close friends. Not block them out as if to say ignore them and be stuck up, but just not focus on all that they have and like. I took a step outside my body (metaphorically speaking) and studied all that I have. I have a loving family, the most wonderful friends, a boyfriend who cares about me, and I am beautiful in my own way. The life I am living right now is the one that God wanted me to live in, so I'd better not just sit around and be depressed because it's not the exact way that everyone else's is. When you see something that someone has, or a trait that they are presenting, try thinking "Wow, that's pretty cool that they are like that. But ____ is a trait that I have and it is working much better for ME." to yourself. Life is completely too short to want to change it, so live it to the fullest.

    It IS a lot easier to be sad then happy, because you can't pretend to be happy unless you really feel something great. Whenever you have the sudden sadness creep up on you, call a friend to make plans. Get out and do something exciting. You're more likely to be upset when you're alone in your house than when you're out with your friends in a public scene.

    Telling yourself that you are great being who you are is one thing, but actually believing it is another. Look in the mirror, and realize all the good things about you. The negative things don't stand out as much as the good things do, dear. Take some time to really get to know yourself in a positive way. Explore each and everything about you and understand why it is that way. It might sound hard, but when you make the attempt, you'll succeed. I thought I was a hopeless case, but here I am now, feeling loads better.

    Good luck, my friend.

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