
What is wrong with my mouth??

by  |  earlier

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The roof of my mouth feel swollen especially next to my back teeth, it is REALLY sore and i am having trouble eating, i have been for acouple of days now.

I also think i hsve tonsilitus and an ear infection if this has anything to do with it??

I brush my teeth regularly and have good oral hygene!!!




  1. Ask your dentist

  2. I dunno, but I bet your dentist does.

  3. Next to your back teeth? Have you had your wisdom teeth removed?  If not, then may be coming in and you should see a dentist and/or oral surgeon.

  4. dentist?????

    umm. . . I BELIEVE THTS WAT THERE 4!

  5. Could be an abscessed tooth. Would check with a dentist ASAP. Severe infections of your teeth or gums can lead to infections of the heart. I am a cardiac nurse and have seen people end up with bacterial growths on the valves of the heart and need open heart surgery. Don't want to scare you but thought it was important to know.

  6. I would start by seeing your Family Doctor, tell him the problem and see what he says.  He might tell you to see a dentist, but let him decide that.

    Good Luck,


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