
What is wrong with my rabbit

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He sneezes and coughs alot.He is around 5 and a half years old.

It seems worse in cold weather but he also has sneezing fits when we give him hay.




  1. Rabbits don't get colds, which are caused by a virus. But they do get upper respiratory infections caused by bacteria, and these need to be treated appropriately with the correct antibiotic for the particular bacteria causing the problem.  You can read more about this here:

    and *especially*:

    I'd strongly urge you to read those so you'll know what to ask the vet when you go.

    Sometimes a sneezy nose can be caused by a foreign body up the nose, or even dental problems (though this is more common in rabbits who are four years or older).  But just to bring you up to speed on that, you might also read:

    You'll need a good vet familiar with rabbit medicine to help you, and you can find one with the list linked here:

  2. It may be the dust in the hay.  Try shaking it out before you give him any.  Depending on where it comes from it could be full of dust.  I would also have a vet check him out because sneezing could be a sign of a sinus infection.

  3. Oh. How long has this been going on for? If it just started give it some time. If not take him to a vet. He might have the snuffels, this is not good.

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  4. Take him to the vet immediately.  

  5. Are you using wood shavings (especially cedar) for your rabbit's bedding? Shavings can be deadly for a rabbit, and that could be what is causing your rabbit's cough. I would immediately change the type of bedding you are using if so and use something like litter/paper pellets/newspaper etc. Either way your rabbit should be checked out by a vet who will be able to tell you exactly what is wrong.  

  6. Sounds like he has allergies, try buying excellent quality hay that's not dusty and keeping the house or the room he is in clean and vaccumed and dusted daily. Bunnies with allergies are better off kept indoors because of pollen outdoors so indoors would be best. Bring him to the vet just to be sure.

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