
What is wrong with my rib cage?

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Sometimes when I pivot, I can crack my ribs the same way you can crack your knuckles. It is usually the spot that connects the rib to the Sternum, Usually around the 2nd Costal Cartilage and around the Xiphoid Process. The weird thing is, when I get chest pains, I find that if I pivot around and crack these spots they go away. What is wrong with my rib cage?




  1. well a good theory about cracking knuckles are that there a actually some kind of air pocket that u pop

    so maybe u pop them in ur ribs

    OR when i pivot i crack my back like my spine

    almost everyone can  

  2. First step:  get an xray just in case you've got some kind of fracture.  They say a lot of people don't realise when they've got a broken rib and just go on living with some "unexplained" pain.

    Then:  try to stop the habit of "cracking".  It just encourages the discomfort to come back and will likely continue to get worse.  It's a hard habit to break, but before you do it next time, try to go without.

    As for the cause, it might be muscle tension that's causing tightness in the sterno-costal joint or between the ribs.  After the xray results, if there's no fracture, try seeing a massage therapist.  This could help loosen the ribcage significantly and you won't feel the need to "crack" it.  Also of use might be a visit to the chiropractor, who could adjust you in a safe way and examine you to determine what's going on.  

    Another great thing after xray results is to try to remain active, getting lots of exercise IF it's not broken  :)

    Good luck!

  3. go to the doctor

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