
What is wrong with my skin?!!? one day it's flawless and smooth and the next day i have zits?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, just two days ago my face was soo smooth with no zits, and today i have 4! they just show up like that! and most of the time they're the kind of zits that are under the skin too! i wash my face daily and use tea tree oil.

how can i keep it smooth and zit free? im reallyy considering buying proactiv ... but does it really work? or is there anything available in stores that works just as good?




  1. it's probably just your hormones

    just keep on cleaning it consistently

  2. Blitz those zits to bits with tooth paste, use when going to bed.

  3. Your a teenager dahling, just use face masks and a good moisturizer, its fine everyone has spots at your age.

  4. I tried Proactiv and it worked for me very well. I saw results in about a week. Another option is Klear Action, it has the same ingredients as Proactiv, but it costs $9 less. Also, eating oily, salty foods can cause zits, so can lots of stress. Eating vegetables and fruits will also help get your skin under control.

  5. you prob got it cuz of stress

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