
What is wrong with my succulents?

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I have a jade plant and and a couple of its leave are turning black(here is a picture of my jade plant)

I also have another succulent that has some leaves turning black .I do not know what type of succulent it but here are some pictures

Can some one tell me why the leaves are turning black and what i could do to help stop it?Also if you know what the second plant is can you tell me?Thank you!




  1. Take the leaves with spots off. Are you letting the jade plant dry out a bit between waterings? You should be.

  2. That looks like either a fungus or a mold.  Take a specimen to your local county extension office (local university) and they will be better to tell you.

    Take a jade leaf and stick it in a different pot (your soil may be contaminated) and soon a new plant will grow.  This way you save a part of the ailing plant for now.

  3. The second plant is a hoya

    You are watering too much, they thrive on neglect

  4. gosh I think what you have here are two kinds of jade plants.  one green and one variegated.

    if you have been growing these plants a long time and this is a sudden problem I would suspect insect attack.  maybe mites or something tiny.

    disease is also a possibility.   I find I have lots of problems with succulents if I overwater them.  

    one other thing could be sunburn if you have just gotten them or just moved them to a sunnier spot.

    it is pretty hard to tell from your photos, I am afraid.

  5. it appears to be either too much water or too little water - take one leaf to the local garden store or florist shop- they will be able to tell u whether u have something serious like mold or fungus on the plants.  good luck

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