
What is wrong with my teacher?!?

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Ok, I'm in 8th grade and I've had this same teacher for all three years (for advanced language arts). In 6th grade she was the best teacher ever. . .and the first part of 7th was just like that.

But about half way through last year, the classroom atmosphere seemed to change. . . I don't know why it just seemed tense. And I'm not the only one who's said that, all of my friends in there said the same thing, some before I did.

This year is starting the same. She snaps at us and won't let us do as much. And the same people are in there. Monday we're getting new students, and I'm afraid it's going to change even more for the worse.

What should I do to make it lively again? It's like she doesn't even know us anymore. . .




  1. She is obviously going through something in her personal or professional life that is causing her great stress.  People often act snappy and crabby when they are stressed, as you know from your own experience.

    Try to be supportive and cooperative - encourage your classmates to be the same.  Believe it or not, you guys may be her only "comfort zone" right now.

    Be patient.  Good luck and I hope things improve.

  2. It may be possible that your teacher has greater expectations for the class than was expected in 6th grade.  The older you get, the more you are expected to behave well, you get more homework that she expects completed, she expects more responsibility from you.  Also, maybe her boss has put a lot of pressure on the teachers to improve scores, maybe has limited what she is allowed to teach, so the fun stuff had to be eliminated to make room for the required stuff.  She has a hard job.  Maybe a smile and a nice word from you every now and then might be just the pick me up she needs for her to relax a little.  It's always nice to have a student say hi or have a nice day.  Reminds teachers that you are good people, too!

  3. I know your teacher, and she has a lot of home problems and needs your understanding and acceptance

  4. Hey, look at it this way, you only have one more year! :) I was in the same sitch during middle school too, and sometimes teachers just change. Just don't get on her bad side and try to survive eighth grade! It won't be so bad when you look back on it, and you will have tons more to do in high school! Good luck!! :]

  5. Perhaps talk to her about it, maybe something happened in her personal life that caused the change.

  6. Alex, you never really know what is going on with your teacher at home.  For some reason, kids think teachers aren't human, and their personal lives don't effect who they are at school.  Unfortunately, as much as we try to keep the two separate, when things at home are stressful, it can easily bleed over into the classroom in the form of stress and irritability.  Try to be good students and keep a positive attitude in class.  Believe it or not, that will help more than anything.  Good luck!  

  7. I really think you should bring this up to her after class in private.  She may have things going on in her personal life that are effecting her teaching in the classroom.  But I think you should let her know how much she was appreciated and why.

  8. How old is she anyways?

    If she's older than 60, she is getting a change like my grandma, odl people tend to change into their childhood habits, so, maybe that's that?

    Well, probably just entered some convention and changed ideas about how things works for her or something.

  9. i am a teacher and it is probably all the @$% pressure the state puts on her.  it is getting to her.  does she seem too pushy with the curriculum.  does she seem irritable at no one in general.  i know how that is.   my students are pretty good but i get so bent out of shape whenever i think about those stupid freakin standardized tests you guys have to pass. could this be the problem?

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