
What is wrong with my weight? :[?

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At 5'1 and 120 lbs, some people would assume that I look kinda chunky/borderline overweight.

I lost 30 lbs over a range of one year, and I finally managed to get myself down to size S in tops and a 3 in jeans.

But, my older sister is also 5'1 and she just gave birth, meaning that she has a good deal of pregnancy weight on her. She's not fat my any means, but I know that I am a good deal slimmer than her at the moment. But..she weighs 120 lbs too? I'm confused, especially since we're both the same weight and height but...our bodies aren't very close at all.

Any thoughts on this? My ideal weight is to be 110, but a lot of the people I tell that to say that I look like I'm close to that weight already...

Thoughts/Opinions? My weight has constantly been an issue for me and I don't know if I should still be as conscious and worried about it...





  1. Don't worry about the size you are. I don't even know my size! I always cut the tag out of my shirt, and shorts, so if some one asks me what size I am I can say "I don't know" It's just a number/letter. You should judge yourself by how you think you look in the mirror, not by what a huge company says is "small." I don't keep a weight scale in the house, so that helps with your self esteem. When your feeling like you don't weigh as much as a feather, go put on your favorite outfit, and strut your stuff down the street and feel good that you are confident!

    Hope I helped!

  2. What You Need to Know About Caralluma Fimbriata

    Caralluma fimbriata is a succulent plant, in the cactus family, that has been used as a natural appetite suppressant in India for centuries. It's a new arrival in the family of cactii and succulent plants that are becoming increasingly popular for their appetite suppressant, and weight loss properties, as well as their ability to lower blood sugar. Supplements made from the popular hoodia gordonii cactus from the Kalahari Desert in Africa, are, for example, growing in popularity and usage in the U.S. and Europe.Like hoodia, caralluma fimbriata has been used to suppress appetite, and as a portable food for hunting. It is used to suppress hunger and appetite, and enhance endurance throughout India.

    It is also sometimes considered a "famine food," used during periods of famine to suppress appetite. For centuries, people in rural areas of India have eaten Caralluma fimbriata, which grows wild over various parts of the country. Caralluma fimbriata is cooked as a vegetable, used in preserves like chutneys and pickles, or eaten raw. Caralluma fimbriata is believed to block the activity of several enzymes, which then blocks the formation of fat, forcing fat reserves to be burned. Caralluma fimbriata is also believed to have an effect on the appetite control mechanism of the brain. Ayurvedic (traditional Indian medicine) experts have noted that there are no adverse effects when using Caralluma fimbriata, and the plant has no known toxicity. A patented, tested extract of Caralluma fimbriata has been developed and standardized by a company called Gencor. Known as "Slimaluma," the extract delivers the plant in a concentrated form. One of the only products available in the U.S. that uses the Slimaluma formula is Country Life's GenaSlim supplement, which combines the patented Slimaluma extract of Caralluma fimbriata with EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) from green tea.

    Together they reportedly have a synergistic effect on appetite control and weight loss. In several clinical trials Slimaluma was shown to be effective in reducing body fat through appetite control.If you're interested in trying this product for weight control, you can compare prices now from various online vendors.SourcesKhan B, et. al. "Hypogylcemic activity of aqueous extract of some indigenous plants." Pak J Pharm Sci., 2005 Jan;18(1):62-4

    .For more information visit:

  3. well 120 lbs at 5' 1" is not overweight, it is within ideal weight range. theres not need to be conscious anymore. but congratulations on losing the 30lbs earlier! thats a great achievement (:

    and people come in different body structures, even if you are sisters, she could have a different frame, etc. so its not surprising that you guys dont look exactly the same, its normal.

  4. theres nothing wrong with ur weight...


    if u wana loose weight

    i recommend u eat HEALTHY foods and do some exercise...

    running, jogging, walking, jumping jacks, leg-lifts, sit-ups, crunches and such..

    GOOD LUCK!  

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