
What is wrong with not allowing more fast food restaurants to be made?

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i dont remember much about the article or where i saw it but someone wants to do away with new fast food restaurants being made...and wants some already existant to be closed.

im fat. unlike some people who blame fast food for their fatness, i own up to the fact that i chose to eat there that i chose to eat more than i should. and now i plan on shedding the weight.

i dont see whats wrong with cutting the amount of restaurants. i mean on one street i live near, there are 2 McDonalds. and they both lie on a street with nothing but restaurants...this is in stl county. so just think what new york looks like.

it is not necessary to have a McD's on every wouldnt kill any of us to walk...unless you are sick (but if u were, u shouldnt be living on fast food then).

so why are people so upset by the idea of getting rid of some restaurant stores and keeping new ones from being made? its not like anyone is outlawing all fast food anyways.




  1. we really dont need a lot of ONE kind of restaurant. im pretty sure the asker is saying that its you see too many of one kind of restaurant on every corner.

    and the constituition said nothing about our right to have fast food people. if it does say that then why is it that minors dont have the right to have alcohol...eating fatty foods will kill you too.

    seriously people READ THE CONSTITUITION!!!! it says nothing about the right to eat greasy salty fat food that makes you fat!!! it also says nothing about being lazy.

  2. Its called FREEDOM!!

    We DO NOT need big brother telling us how to live. Free choice, people. The government does need to protect me from myself.

  3. Are you going to force people to jog too?

  4. if the world was dependent on fast food places than everyone would be obese and would die at a young age

  5. Capitalism is based on supply and demand.  As long as fast food sells as much as it does, there is nothing to prevent it from continuing to grow.

    You can claim it's unhealthy, but all fast food menus now have healthy alternatives.

  6. Other people may own up to how they eat & still want to eat that way.  It is not right for people to shut down businesses they don't like.  Next they will try to shut down plumbing companies because they have people that get dirty working for them.

  7. Gespacho has it DEAD-ON (I love the fools who vote thumbs down for an answer about freedom of choice -- L-O-S-E-R-S).

    What's next, I can't open a shoe store in a fashion district or a coffee shop because their are too many coffee houses. What if I own a fast food restaurant and want to put my product against the competition but am not allowed to: are you then not granting monopolies to the existing franchises?

    Government (this means you LA City Council) needs to stop meddling in our personal rights to conduct fair trade and to live the lives WE CHOOSE!!

  8. I don't know about not "allowing" any more to be built, but in the Metropolitan Detroit area alone, for example there are approximately 222 McDonald's alone.  This is not to mention the numbers of Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, etc.  Do we really need more built?  People ought to be able to choose what they want to eat, and if they want to eat a fast food meal, so be it, and I'm all for free enterprise, but do we really need more of these restaurants.  Personally, I don't think so.  Only my opinion.

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