
What is wrong with people? How do you feel about abortion?

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I am a firm believer that abortion is wrong under any circumstance. Rape? There is someone out there who will love that child no matter where it comes from. Incest? That's Gods decision whether or not He wants that baby to make. There is no good reason for abortion. How do you feel? I am open to any opinions.




  1. I feel the exact same as you, and I REALLY don't care about the thumbs down I will get, I'm just glad I found someone with the exact same view-even in cases of rape.

    I am not against others opinions', so I don't feel the need to thumbs down every different opinion to mine, nor state if I think my opinion is superior to others' (which it's not, it's just a personal view!)

  2. Abortion is NEVER the answer, it's murderous no matter what you call it to make yourself sleep at night.

  3. I agree totally on what you said!  There should be more people in the world who think like you, unfortantely there are not.

  4. well i'm christan but i don't oppress my believes on other people so i don't care what they do it doesn't effect me and if abortion was illegal they would still have them like they do in places that don't have abortion clinics and they would stick coat hangers up you know where and i would rather let them do their on thing is a safe and clean  environment instead of some guys basement

  5. I feel the decision is up to the woman.....i believe that all things happen for a reason....and i dont just mean conception...i mean abortion happens for a reason and there is no reason to judge anyone but yourself....that is what i believe

  6. I personally would not abort, no matter what the circumstances, although, I'd really hate for people's freedom of choice to be taken away.  Just like God gave us freewill, we should do the same for eachother.  Anyhow, it's not for us to judge.

  7. Do unto the unborn as your mother did to you. in any circumstances abortion is should NEVER the answer. that unborn child depends upon it's mother for protection, it's just heartless of women to be so cruel to their own flesh and blood.


    Isn't it true, that there are born-children in America today who are growing up in poverty? Yes it is true, but has anyone ever heard someone argue that the mothers of these born-children should have the right to kill them, since they can't afford to raise them? No one makes such an absurd and heartless argument because we all know that no amount of financial hardship is sufficient rationale for killing another human being, particularly an innocent child. The only reason anyone uses this argument to try and justify abortion is because they are assuming that unborn children are not human persons. But until abortion advocates can demonstrate that children are not human beings before they're born, all such appeals to financial hardship have no foundation. Poverty/rape incest, disability is not the issue. The real issue is the humanity of the unborn child.

    You can't get very far in any discussion about abortion without considering the question of rape. Whereas the vast majority of pregnancies are the result of consensual s*x, rape-based pregnancies present a unique dilemma. If a woman didn't choose to engage in s*x in the first place, should she have to carry to term a child that was the result of her forced union? The question should become much clearer if we add in some hypothetical details. Let's say the woman does carry her child to term and decides to raise her daughter herself. After five years, however, she decides that the little girl's presence in her life is too much of a burden. Should that mother have the right to kill her five year-old daughter who was born to her as a result of sexual assault?

    Obviously not. No matter what the circumstances are regarding the little girl's conception, she is a human being with a right to life that cannot be taken away from her. But what about before she is born, does this change anything? No, it doesn't. Abortion is an act of violence that kills a living human being. The circumstances surrounding the conception do not change this simple reality. Rape and abortion share this in common. They are both acts of violent assault against an innocent victim. Aborting a child conceived through rape simply extends this pattern of violence and victimhood. It does not "unrape" the woman, but it will almost certainly increase her regret and misery. Whereas rape is an act of violence for which she bears no responsibility, abortion is an act of violence for which she would be morally culpable.

  8. I believe it is a woman's right to choose what happens with her own body.  Forcing a rape or incest victim to carry an infant to term, if that is not their choice, is just about the same as raping them all over again.  

    I would never force anyone to get an abortion, nor would I force someone to carry an infant to term if that was not their choice.  I feel it is the height of arrogance and ignorance to try to take that decision away.  

  9. I think everyone is entitled to do what they want to with their bodies whether that be abortion or not.  I don't think anybody has the right to tell another person that their decisions are wrong.  This world does not need any more unwanted children.  There are more than enough children in this world for people to adopt if they were to consider going outside of their own country.  There are plenty of baby girls in China who are being left in rooms to die for nothing and THAT is wrong.

  10. I used to feel that way too....then i grew up.

    I dont personally feel abortion is right for me, but ultimatly if someone becomes pregnant involuntarily [rape or incest] it can change their life in such an un imaginable way. All the changes your body endures during pregnancy are in comparable to anything else you would experience in life.

    and until you have been there, you have no clue. and some people may not believe in God, so are they supposed to carry some baby that was concieved by rape or incest because some God they dont believe in said so? nahhh. dont think so. Its the choice of the woman. Taking that away is wrong. The world is over populated anyway. So why have children that are unwanted? And if you believe in God then you should be happy knowing that those poor little babies go to heaven.

    Nobody should be forced to have their life changed due to a mistake or a horrible event. I dont really agree with it for me but i am not the type to inforce my beliefs on others.

    [ps on another note, rape and incest make up less than half of all abortions]

  11. No matter what your thoughts on abortion, it is each woman's individual right to choose what she does with her body.  If YOU do not agree with it, than don't ever have one.  

    I understand that many people are against abortion, but if you have never been in the circumstance you described above (ie: pregnant by rape or incest) than you really do not know what you would feel in that situation.  Imagine having to carry to term a baby that every single day reminds you of what was done to you? No, its not the baby's fault, but it isnt the womans fault either.

    Just something to think about. Though i am not arrogant enough to believe it would make a dent in your thought process about this subject.

  12. Abortion = Murder

    Pro choice has a nice flowery ring to it, but it is pro murder.

    The Eskimos, when grandma become to old to carry her weight in the community, was put on an ice burg, and allowed to float away... she was not even given a coat, as this was a waste of a good coat.  The concept seems cruel in our society, yet I see no difference in that and abortion.

  13. I totally agree with you... just becuase someone makes a mistake... or some mistake falls upon someone doesnt mean that the baby is a mistake... God doesnt make mistakes.

    people want to use their own selfish lives and excuses like "oh well it will ruin my life ill never be able to do this and ill have to take care of a baby i didnt want in the first place and blah blah blah...." well you know what its called adoption! and im a product of it...someone made a "mistake" and got pregnant with me... i was supposed to be aborted but last min. my birthmother backed out... once i was born i was put up for adoption and now i wouldnt change the family i got for anything in the world.

    But im sure ill get a thumbs down for thinking murdering (yes murdering...the baby can feel all the same pain you and i can by 9 weeks) an inoccent baby is wrong

  14. I think abortion is a very personal choice I don't agree with every ones decision for abortion. But have you ever been rape? Well I was and you have no idea how it feels. I was a little girl about 12 can you image a 12 year old pregnant with her rapist child I would have been disgusted to carry the child of the person who took my childhood my virginity my dignity and so many other things from me. I would have kill myself if I would have been pregnant and have to have carried that child I know it is not the baby's fault but it is not my fault eight-er why should i have to suffer more that's why I'm pro-choice  

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