I was reading the sports heading and now it seems some african american lady is attempting to file a lawsuit for racism in NASCAR? Is it a redneck sport...yeah i think so, but that doesnt mean that its racist. I myself do not watch that stuff cause its boaring to me. But then again i dont watch basketball for the same reason. They say it has a bad image casue of all the white viewers? and that all the drivers are white? I guess i could say the same thing about basketball.. How many white NBA stars do you see on the court? How about football? If you answered not too many, then thats the right answer....and do i care? no! I doubt anyone in NASCAR would make comments like that to her, but I am sure she will get a lawyer that will push the color thing again! Maybe i should file a lawsuit on the Entire US professional sports buisness? DO I blame african americans for not watching NASCAR? NO, cause it is boaring! unless you enjoy watching a car going around in circle?