
What is wrong with people?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, all I did was try to be nice and let someone know that the information they were given was wrong and got a totally B****y response email. What the h*** is wrong with people these days? Are they all stupid?! Your opinions please Thanks :)




  1. Most people are stupid and have issues that other people don't understand.

  2. My condolences. Some people just dont have class. Dont trip, they're not worth it.

  3. Some folks don't want the truth...Its better to live in the dark than to deal with knowledge...just keep giving your opinion and stand by your answer.

  4. That depends on the way it was done, and on whether it was factual information, or a matter of personal opinion, whether it is a debatable subject, etc.  Two and Two is Four, but most answers to questions on YA are not that factual.

    I once got an email from somebody on YA, telling me I had answered a question wrong, and it had a whole bunch of cut-and-paste stuff they had taken off the internet, but not once did the person actually introduce herself and say pardon me, or anything polite.  My response to her was somewhat negative, saying she should put her opinion into the question itself, and use email to continue conversations, not to argue with others.  Not everything you read on the internet is factual, and just because you find something that supports your opinion, that doesn't make you right and somebody else wrong.  Many things are a matter of personal experience.

    Receiving an email to be "set straight" by somebody just feels too "in-your-face"... so if you're going to do that, be very careful to do it very politely.

  5. Unfortunately, we can't read a person's tone of voice and see body language when reading something that's typed.  Your comment may have been misinterpreted as condescension or rudeness.  I agree with you though; people are so convinced that they are always right, one hundred percent of the time, that any hint or inference that they're wrong or misinformed is an attack on them, personally, an insult to their mom and a kick in their dog's face on top of that.  

  6. They're probably not potty trained

  7. Depends on how you worded your "nice" information. Plus people dont like to be told their wrong.....I dont get it either. When someone corrects my misinformed information I'm glad because it means now I know the truth and can give out correct information next time. These days people are always on the defensive.....its crazy.

  8. "You're a poopy-head!"

    "No, you're a poopy-head!"

    Get my point?  You said the person was given wrong information, but the person doesn't want to hear it.

  9. sadly, most people these days are stupid and can't be helped.  

  10. Some people are just *******.  It's a sad but true fact of life.  Avoid such people.

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