
What is wrong with "I've got the clap! Do you have the clap?" as a cheer?

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Josh let me do a cheer during the rally today. He told me to pump up the crowd before the other guys came in with some kinda skit. Everyone else had just sat down. I wanted to get them clapping to a beat so I yelled "I've got the clap!! Do you have the clap?! I've got the clap!! Do you have the clap?!" I repeated it over and over as I clapped to a beat. The audience started clapping with me but pretty soon everyone was laughing.

Was that a stupid/cheesy way to get people pumped up???????? Why would they laugh. I have seen even more cheesy stuff in our pep rally and no one laughed.




  1. I guess we all know now...

    A little penicillin will take care of it.

  2. your an idiot

  3. You're asking why they laughed? Simple, because "the clap" is slang for Gonorrhea.

    I don't find it funny, nor would I have participated in that cheer.

    Was it stupid? To me yes, but at least you made the audience laugh? But I would choose a different cheer next time.

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