
What is wrong with some parents?

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two sepperate times this week i saw people driving down the highway and didnt have the baby in a carseat just hold them like it was nothing. and both times it was small little babies both should have still been in the infant car seat. the thing that got me so mad was both times you could clearly see the carseat in the carseat in the car so why can't they just put the baby in the seat where he/she would be safe. one woman was holding the baby in the back seat and playing with him/her. the other woman got me so mad cause she was in the front seat and mind you i was going like 65-70 mph and they went flying past me had to be going atleast 75-80mph. what is these people got into an accident???? do they not care about the baby enough to protect it. and if they were to say they had to feed it well pull over and feed your child as they sped past me we were passing a rest stop. please tell mhy someone would be so foolish??




  1. See parents like *that*......I can't even say what I think of them because it would make a sailor blush!

    That is irresponsible and stupid.  No two ways about it.

  2. they are irresponisble parents. there are so man pople that get pregnant so young these days

  3. Not everyone is equipped with a fully functional brain.  It's unfortunate that these people reproduce.

  4. Good for you for calling 911. What stupid heads, probably rednecks. It's my life and I'll do what I want. It's none of your concern. That kind of attitude. I know all I need to know. Stupid. Lame brains. I get upset when I see dogs hanging out car windows or dogs being left in hot cars. What is wrong with some people? Brain dead. None of this is new. It's 2008. People should know better unless these people really have been hiding under rocks or think they know better or just don't care about anyone else but themselves.  

  5. I honestly don't know why some people do that and my only answer is this: the next time you see that, call 911 and tell them what you see. It really is an emergency when someone is putting their baby at risk like that. Try to get their license plate number and a good description of the vehicle. Riding in a carseat is NOT an option, it is a requirement and too many parents fall into the trap of allowing their little ones out, not realizing that could be a fatal mistake.

  6. because they are stupid.

  7. People like that make me mad too...or people who go to extremes when disciplining their's pathetic the way they are. Why can't they use some common sense?

    Then they wonder why people like us report them to CPS.

  8. I agree with Texas on this one. I to have seen people do that, and I take down the plate number and call the cops.

    All 4 of my kids are in car seats, and even my dogs wear seat belts in the car.

  9. Stupid!! Thats whats wrong with them! I think they were dropped on their heads a couple hundred times!!

  10. It is totally insane, I think they do it because they get away with it.  But, getting mad really doesn't help.  I wonder if you call the police with the tag number and location of the vehicle if they would track them down?

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