
What is wrong with the Cleveland Indians this year?

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What is wrong with the Cleveland Indians this year?




  1. Their best pitcher Fausto Carmona was injured almost the entire first half...Jake Westbrook is out for the year...their RBI man Victor Martinez is also out for the year and same with their long bomber Hafner...they made a good decision to trade CC for some great prospects and also trading Blake for prospects cause they could sign him back next year which I think they need to overall some of their best players are and were injured...thank god Sizemore didn't get hurt or we would be worse than we already I say watch out for next year cause we'll be healthy and one of the best teams...

  2. Why are you complaining. They beat the Tigers on Monday and Thursday. They hammered the Tigers last year in 2007, sweeping them at least twice. They've won several division titles and two pennants in my life time. No team is going to be good every year. Until they lose at least 119 games you have no reason to complain. I really think Cleveland has some good time ahead for them because of their pythagorg--they are better than their record shows and will cash in on that. Cleveland has won several Central Divsion titles while the Tigers have never won a Central Title.  

  3. Inuries to Victor Martinez,Travis Haffner, Jake Westbrook, and Fausto Carmona.  Terrible bullpen pitching especially Joe Borowski, and the Rafaels (Perez and Bettencourt).  Off years from Paul Byrd, Asdrubal Carbrera and Ryan Garko.  Trading CC Sabathia and Casey Blake.  Add it all up and it equals last place in the AL Central.

    A few bright spots have been Cliff Lee, Kelly Shoppach, and the power of Grady Sizemore.

  4. Thier offense is well how do I horrible...thier pitching with Cliff Lee is okay..but they lost CC and that takes a huge blow...they're looking at next year mainly

  5. Their offense was terrible. They had players struggling and they had a few injuries in their lineup. Cliff Lee can't win all their games, especially after they traded C.C.

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