
What is wrong with the Indian news media? They cover so much about what happens in Pakistan but ignore..... ?

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....the poor of Bihar. Over 2 million people have been affected by this flood yet the News of Pakistan makes the front page and every primetime news network but little if any about the flood. They should be dragging the govt. over hot coals for their laidback attitude in rescue operations. Is only news about muslims important? Even when there are bomb blasts by terrorists they will find the one muslim victim story amongst hundreds and blow it out of proportion and forget the hundreds of Hindus who died due to Islamic terrorism. They try to project that muslims are equal victims of terrorism when it is not true at all! Is this fair reporting?




  1. Well for Pakistan I agree with you they should mind their own business rather than poking nose in Pakistan affairs. Whereas your other main saying is concerened it is absolutely wrong; there is no religion of terrorist. If you think yes then what would you call Bush? Millions have suffered due to him? Were all they terrorist to whom he killed? Were they Muslims first or human? If you justify it then you are mental case.

    But look first at you religious parties. They even don't penetrate Pakistani players playing at IPL just because they are Muslims; and in Gujrat always Hindus started killing Muslims and they just defended it; very sadly Lata had funded it too.

    So that is the story mate; one must see himself before critcizing others.


  2. My Dear Friend

    This has been happening Since 47.

    Gandhi & Nehru days They  appeased muslims

    They gave Rs  60 crore in addition to hindu lands and properties to muslims

    And got several million hindus killed  

  3. the media follows the same policy the west does - appeasement of the muslims, who control oil production. it does not matter who started the gujerat riots, or who is fanning the tension between christians and hindus, the people of india are stupid and only see what is shown to them. any good lawyer will tell you that when a crime has been committed, to look for the guilty you have to ask only one question : WHO BENEFITS? who benefited from the gujerat riots? who got away with mass murder of 50 women and children burnt to death in a railway cabin? who gets away with forcible conversions and anti-indian activities by inciting violence between hindus and christians? we have never come across christians blowing up stock exchanges, setting off multiple bombs in bombay and jaipur, attacks on the parliament or research facilities in bangalore. we have a muslim minister talking about the nuclear deal saying it is against muslims and india. a hindu minister will only have said it is against india, he would never mention hindus. why? because for us hindus our country is more precious than our being hindu. we are true patriots. but we are so brainless that we support a government which encourages communal violence. no muslim nation is expected to be secular or have temples. there should be a law that for every temple constructed in a muslim country, we will allow equal number of mosques in our india. do you have the courage of your convictions? or are you so scared that you can only make noise on the internet?

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