
What is wrong with the olympic teams from Spain and Argentina?

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Why must they take picture making slant-eyes? Is this ignorance indicative of there culture?




  1. It's just that most people find it alright to joke about race just as someone would make fun of fat people. I suppose it may be the same in Argentina. I was there a couple of times and the people are as sweet and kind as possible.

    I spent most of my childhood in the UK so I always thought of race as taboo and these things bothered me at first, but I came to realize they honestly don't mean any harm. It may be tasteless to some, but it certainly wasn't racist and was only meant as a jest; I don't see the big deal really. I actually find the monkey chants much more disturbing and disrespectful.

    Since when were slanted eyes something to be ashamed of or regarded as a 'disfigurement' if I may call it so? If you don't think they are, then why would anyone be offended by the picture... It's like being offended when people wear wigs and make fun of redheads.

  2. At the Spanish grand prix a group of Spaniards blacked themselves up and poked fun at Lewis Hamilton and now they're ridiculing the Chinese. Spaniards seem to have a q***r sense of humour. Racism is no more prevalent in Europe than the US.

  3. If you didn't know, Europeans (and Euro-wannabes like Argentina) are still very racist. They try to say that they are more progressive than racist America, yet they make monkey sounds at soccer games when black players touch the ball.

  4. This has nothing to do with Racism. It was probably in poor taste but not meaning what you are making it out to be.

  5. In Europe sense of humor is wilder than in America that maybe have some "untouchable" taboos because of its history.

    Particularly in Spain we make "hard" jokes about everything, even catastrophes, deaths, patriotism, religion, politics, etc.

    It's sometimes a matter of culture and tradition.

    For example in Europe most people think of americans as hipocrit "double" moral puritans that criticize and censor a lot in public but act very different in private, and i'm sure that not every american is like that ¿aren't they?

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