
What is wrong with the welafe system? Take a look at this.?

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Example: I know a couple on welfare. They won't work a payroll job because of back child support(The child probably gets welfare too), back taxes, and a delinquent student loan. The man works odd jobs only to buy his cigarettes and gas. They get 400 a month in food stamps. They also get heap to pay the heating bill and qualify for a free fridge and stove through CAC. They sleep until noon and sit around on the comp or the guy goes fishing all day. They don't even try to get a job. They like their life. It's too easy. Why work? They are supposed to work off the food stamps, but they never go and the person at work site just signs the paper anyway. Now a person who had a job and lost it would try to get temporary assistance would be told no because they own a car or a home. But they only want help until they gain employment again. Does this make any sense? the majority of those on it are like the above people... not all, but most. That is why it is looked down upon.




  1. It's a socialist democracy at its best. That is what Obama will bring in with him if he''s elected. Why would anyone work when they can get stuff (money and  food ) free. We see that with the police and fire departments and how they choose to take disability over working. It simply pays just as good and take less of their time .

  2. I hear you...

    I know a couple of people like that's frustrating because one thing is being in need of help and another thing is being a parasite. They simply get away with it because they can to our expenses (taxpayer's pockets). The government should put a stop on this, everyday more and more people sign for assistance longer periods of time while buying cigarettes on the corner....just ridiculous...and then we wonder why our country is the way it is...

    In other countries people don't have those kind of benefits and learn to earn a living because that's the only way to survive.

  3. It's strange that people don't seem to be very concerned about the welfare programs for the rich--tax breaks and subsidies in the millions and millions of dollars for defense contractors, corporate farmers and energy companies...Nobody is complaining about their hard earned tax dollars going for this sh!+...Social programs don't even come close....

  4. I like my welafes with butter and syrup. I don't use heap much and have never set on my or anyone's comp.

  5. Your gouvernment is giving a lot of people free rides, among them Haliburton, your other oil companies, criminal outfits like Blackwater, etc.

    That's where you should look, because that's where your taxes are going, instead of begrudging the few bucks to a poor family.

    Even if they are scrounging off the welfare, the big guys are the ones who do the real damage!

  6. You can thank the Democratic Party and it's members for this situation being allowed to exist.

    People like you have described, need to be taken off any and all public assistance and forced to fend for themselves.

  7. Our resources are finite.  When we provide for people who simply choose not to provide for themselves we have less available resources to provide for those who really need our help.

    The concept of freedom of choice has been corrupted.  People today have freedom to choose -- they can choose to work and earn their own way or they can choose to sit on their butts and live of the rest of us.

  8. How about this: The women of the FLDS cult in Texas receive food stamps and government assistance because they are not legally married. It costs the U.S. tax payers 200 million a year to feed and shelter these women and children who participate in illegal, polygamous lifestyles. The welfare system is broken people! We pay for criminals, and flat out lazy people to sit on their a$$es all day while we work our butts off to provide for our own families! In these times of high gas prices, rising food costs, and general economic instability, this should not be acceptable to hardworking U.S. citizens.

  9. "Don't get your knickers in a knot.  Nothing is solved and it just makes you walk funny."

    "Make somebody happy today.  Mind your own business. "

  10. Corruption is endemic to all large and complex social-political systems; and anecdotal stories of misuse are not evidence of system failure. The truth is that the vast majority on welfare are decent people who have fallen on hard times (and unless you have a 7-figure bank account, you are not immune from finding yourself in the same position).

  11. This is why the system shouldn't exist at all. Every man for himself keeps moochers from living off MY MONEY.

  12. Turn'em in!

  13. Example: I know a Fortune 500 corporation that earns BILLIONS of dollars in profits from government contracts, often without even having to submit a competitive bid. The company takes advantage of all the tax loopholes, uses all the government subsidies and grants it can qualify for, uses government resources to its fullest advantage. Then it relocates its international headquarters to the Cayman Islands to avoid paying any tax on the BILLIONS of dollars it earns from the American taxpayers' generosity. The name of the company is Halliburton, a company that is one of the largest contractors to the federal government's 'war' in Iraq...and a company that once (ironically) was headed by a CEO named d**k Cheney.

    I know a man who has had major heart attacks and health concerns. But, as an employee of the federal government, he enjoys lavish health care and medical benefits that cost  American taxpayers hundred of thousands - perhaps millions - of dollars per year. His name is d**k Cheney, Vice-President of the United, one of tens of thousands of government employees who enjoys outlandish benefits while they suck off the American taxpayers' teats.

    I'm aware of 535 members of Congress who give themselves a pay increase whenever they feel like it without any approval from their boss(es), live lavish and extravagant lifestyles at taxpayer expense, and retire to a lifetime retirement package that most Americans can only dream about.

    It's true, there ARE some corrupt cretins that take advantage of the "system" - but the real abuses can be found inside the bureaucracy of the federal government, and inside the elegant boardrooms of corporate America.

    Corporate welfare steals far more money from taxpayers than the few billion paid out to fraudulent social welfare recipients.   -RKO-  05/29/08

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