
What is wrong with the women on Fox News?

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If you watch Fox News on cable, I'm sure you have noticed that the women wear short skirts at least 90% of the time. I'm guy and I am attracted to women that wear short skirts, but seriously, do they have no decency? I think its unprofessional to be on national television doing a news broadcast while your legs are showing and you can almost see up the skirt. I mean are the women on that network so hungry for attention? I think they might do it because they are paid to do it. But either way its shows how they don't have self respect to do it on the job.. Ladies, what do you think?




  1. Well now, here are some supporters of women's rights. Maybe they should dress like Little House on the Prairie girls. Sounds to me like their apparel isn't the only problem. I think they all look good and are very professional, intelligent and manage to see their way thru a barrage of BS unlike the rest of the news programs especially CNN.

  2. Uhm, if ya don't like it... change the channel. I guess half dressed women are a problem to some.

  3. I watch Fox News also, and I feel the same way as you do...It's very unprofessional.  The ladies at CNN are stunning, and they are much more professional, they dress classy...

  4. I'm sure her boss is *telling* her to dress like that. There is someone in wardrobe picking out outfits for her.

    FOX isn't the only channel to do that.

    NBC/Katie Couric used to wear these skimpy short business skirts to show off those fabulous legs.  Nothing new there -- s*x sells.

  5. Hey hey --------- that's the only reason I rarely watch that c**p. Mygen Kelly man she's hot!

  6. LOL ! I don't have much of a problem with their "skirt" if short or long. I think they all look like "Stepford" wives and their "hairdo" and make up is so "out of fashion" !

  7. I think they should go all out nude!

    You would definitely watch more news and do less complaining then!!

  8. What would you rather have them wear a burka??

  9. I believe they do that so Fox News can get more viewers, higher ratings.

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