
What is wrong with the world today?

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What would you like changed in todays modern society. Do you think that us, as the human race will be able to continue living the way do presently? How long do we have left?

Your thoughts?





  1. problems with the world today:



    -lots of violence

    -people don't feel safe

    -destroying the planet

    -lots of other problems

    no we cannot keep living like this, i am 15 and from the UK and currently we are having many knife & gun associated murders,particularly in London.

    and it only takes a look around at the world and you can quickly discover that we have many destructive problems in the world that do need sorting out.

    i don't really know how long we can keep on living in a society filled with these problems but it certainly is not good for anyone.

    great question


  2. Everyone is way too conservative. We should simply allow people to be what they are and accept them. If we did that, a lot of problems would disappear.

    That being said, the single biggest problem beyond that is that there are just way too many of us. Overpopulation is strangling the planet.

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