
What is wrong with this Obama supporter slogan? (*pic included*)?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving and this guy was on the side of the road. As endearing as he is (I guess), doesn't it strike you as a bit moronic?




  1. Why even bring something so trivial to our attention. Do you just enjoy wasting others' time? This guy sucks at coming up with slogans. So what?

  2. Not really. 1 in 4 of our veterans are homeless....182,000 sleep on the street each night. Since McCain has repeatedly voted against veterans and has a D rating BY veterans for his support of them, I would think it is relatively likely that this guy is one of them....asking for people to vote for a candidate that cares about the fact that he is homeless.

  3. Nothing is wrong.

    He's supporting Obama.

  4. Typical Democrat supporter looking for a free handout at middle class tax payers expense.  McCain 08'

  5. Homeless people will do anything for a few dollars for their drink!  That is a look at the future.  No gov assistance for the white man.......LOL

  6. I have no idea where he was going with that. i gues he was going back ot alabama to be with his wife, o wait i meant sister,, well whatever they call them out there.

  7. He is supporting Barack, isn't his slogan obvious...

    Basically he is saying vote Obama and you wont regret it, choose McCain and you will, thus you will be looking back hoping you had elected Obama, but it will be too late.

  8. last 8 years... duhhh.

    he's homeless because of REPUBLICANS.... so yeah.

    No looking back.

  9. I guess he thinks he is talking about Bush, but he could just as easily be saying "Overlook Obama's past" friendship with Capitol bombing terrorist William Ayers, jailbird crook Rezko, his mentor of 20 years racist Rev. Wright, etc. etc.

  10. he was probably an obama superdelegate

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