
What is wrong with this guy?

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I'm gonna be in 12th grade this year,there is a guy at my school who whenever i happen to see him is always staring at me. for example i was driving out of the parking lot and there was a line to exit it and so my car was stopped. he was right 6 feet away from my car to the left standing with his friends. i could see from the corner of my eye that he was staring at me for over 40 seconds. it made me uncomfortable so i pretended i didn't see and that i was messing with my radio or w/e. this happens all the time.i always ignore it and pretend i don't see him b/c its awkward. i like him but i don't know why he doesn't talk to me. we have hardly ever talked and only have 1 class together. he is popular but i never see him with girls. he stares so often even when im walking with my friends. this staring has been going on OVER ONE YEAR AND A HALF. its seems whenever he sees me he stops w/e hes doing and stares..but he stares at my face.




  1. give him a smile and acknowledge the fact that hes trying

  2. High school is an awkward time for guys.  I recommend you walk right up to him and ask him out on a date.  Make sure he's alone when you ask him.

    This guy is obviously smitten with you and just doesn't have the courage to ask you out.  He's probably afraid that you will reject him.  Do it today or you will regret never asking him out.

  3. He might just like you and is shy about making the next move.

  4. DUH! Hello? He totally likes you! :D I would go up and talk to him and see how he reacts. This actually happened to a friend of mine.

    It means he's interested and really likes you but probably is too shy or doesn't know how to start a conversation with you. I mean, you said you're not usually around each other so maybe he thinks it'll look weird if he just talks to you out of the blue.

    I would see the staring at your face only as a plus. If he was just gawking at your body all the time it'd be creepy and perverted.

    So just go up and say hi and talk and say how you remember him from your class and were wondering if he wanted to hang out at lunch or something. :)

  5. Maybe he's dazzled by your beauty. Believe it or not, some guys would actually look at a girl's face. You should try to get to know him and stuff. Maybe he'll become one of your good friends, possibly more.

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