
What is wrong with this teacher who punished this intelligent child??

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A teacher in a pre-school asked the kids to draw .All the kids drew and panted nicely but one boy drew dinning hall , the family , and himself but latter he panted all the beautiful drawings he had made so black that no clear part could be seen. the teacher seeing this got angry and punished the child to the point of crying .That attracted the headteacher to the scene andasked the boy why he did that.The boy said'' i was once eating at the dinning hall and suddenly there was a blackout and that was what i drew because i don't wanna forget it.''




  1. I feel the child could have been expressing how he may have beening feeling it was his art work why punish him for doing what he wants to with it

  2. Not very insightful of the teacher, was it.  If this is your child, consider finding a different pre-school.

  3. The pre school teacher must have had a bad day because she didn't take the time to in-quire why the boy painted the picture black.  

    Pictures often tell stories and this student was seems to be able to translate his experiences eloquently in his art.

    Fortunately, it sounds like the head teacher had more of a clue and experience to know what was going on.

  4. He/She is, obviously, human, and he/she makes mistakes. He/she may also be not a gifted teacher (90% of them are not), I don't know. What I know for sure is that how you used  the word "panted" is so funny! Maybe your teachers didn't punish you when you needed to be punished. The word that you wanted to use is "painted".

    The kids... panted! Ha, ha, ha...

  5. It's crazy. That teacher should have seen the child was probably scared and should have spoken with them. It may simply have been though that the child was naturally artistic and gifted. The teacher should have investigated this too.

    When I was in grade 1, my teacher told me it was wrong to colour everything in green and would fail me if I did so. Generally schools breed creativity out of children. Fortunately, I managed to rediscover a lot of that years later, and now when I lecture, I constantly encourage creativity. Some of the students respond well, some take a while and some are so cynical that they probably need a few more years. I lecture business subjects, mathematics, languages and computer subjects, and in every class there is creativity. People lose so much of themselves and so much of their potential when that creativity is locked away by the left brain.

  6. I remember doing things differently than the instructions my teacher gave and getting terrible marks.  

    I remember spending hours and hours on pictures for contests and not being able to submit them because they weren't finished.

    I also remember one particular teacher who told me that it was wonderful that I found a different way to follow her instructions, that it showed creativity and that I would probably be a great artist because of it.  

    I adored her and am not a great artist but I will never forget her kind words.  I

    t just goes to show that a teacher can make or break a child.  

    An intuitive teacher can bring out the best and a tired stressed cranky teacher can make a rash judgment that wounds the heart of a little child.

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