
What is wrong with those people at the YFZ Polygamist Ranch Compound?

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Did any of you see these people? WOW. What Year are they in? This is WACO Texas all over again. How does this stuff go on. These people are brain washed, by their leader. Luckily this was stopped before we had another Jim Jones case again.




  1. Did the officials overstep?  Was it knee jerk?  Shouldn't religious freedom outweight all else?

    I think not.  Source for all quoted material below.

    "The state contends that girls as young as 13 or 14 have been forced into marrying older men at the compound owned by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."


    13 or 14???  Uh, hello? Before a girl can legally get a job, drive, or even get her ears pierced without consent, these folks marry them to adult males?  

    "Some church elders believe that when a girl starts her menstrual cycle — usually around age 11 or 12 – she is ready to marriage"

    Oh, well then, as long as there's blood - all is well. Got it.  Hopefully they can at least ride bikes without training wheels before grown men tears their little hymens.

    Why were so many children removed?  

    "Young girls ages 5 to 11 are "among the most vulnerable" to being indoctrinated into the belief system that they should start getting married and having babies while they’re still children and are among the children most at risk if they return home to their families, Dr. Perry testified"

    "The sect was routinely ousting 14-to-17-year-old boys for minor infractions, forcing them to live on the streets in other cities, allegedly to thin out the population of men so that more women would be available for plural marriage."

    Silly Child Protective Services... Overreacting indeed.

  2. I think everyone has a right to live the way they want to. My Opinion, and yes they seemed coached on their responses in the interviews.

  3. Well we all need to do our own research and not count on the media for all our info.

    First the FLDS, (the group) has been operating outside the parameters ofthe mainstream Mormon church for over 50 years. They have communities n Utah, Arizonia, Canada and Mexico. There have been repeated complaints for YEARS by ex-members of the kind of activity we are hearing about. Young girls forced into sexual relationships with vastly older men and having babies. This is not new behavior, it is part of their belief system. This is only the second time any government agency has seriously stepped in to address the human rights issues at hand. The first time was 1953 at Short Creek. That one turned out to be a public relations nightmare.

    Hopefully with DNA testing there can finally be some justice to the hundreds of women (and girls) who have left these communities and filed complaints only to have nothing done.

    Don't forget the majority of these group members are women and children with no real power. The first wife is the only legal wife the others go on welfare, have as many children as physically possible and are left to live in poverty and indoctrinated in the belief they are doing "God's Work".

    The leades of the local government are the church leaders, the police are church members, so who do they turn to for help?.....

  4. How they dress? How do you dress? I don't dress like them but so what. Do the math. Each woman there if you divide it up even. That is 3-4 children to each woman. I could say you are brain washed. People have the right to believe the way they want to.

  5. I see herd mentality on both sides!

  6. They remind me of the "Duggar family"...the infamous 17 children.

  7. As much as I don't believe in polygamy or even religion, I still think the government handled this all wrong. They busted in there on a complaint from a 15 year old girl saying she had been married off to an older relative, etc. Fair enough, they should definitely be investigated.

    But, why in the world did they remove 400 women and children (I'm unsure of the actual number but, it was high) from their homes? That is crazy! I highly doubt each and every one of those children were being abused.

    Just because the government doesn't agree with their lifestyle (neither do I!), why does it give them the right to up heave so many people's lives? I thought you were innocent until proven guilty?

    CPS neglects calls that come in everyday of abuse but, when it has to do with someone the government has a vendetta against (Warren Jeffs) then they act immediately and over the top.

    The news reports that a lot of women and children left on their own will. Ya, no kidding! Wouldn't you if you were a mother and faced with this? Your home is getting raided, I sure would get out of there before someone TAKES my kids away from me!

    I just think it is unfair to dictate to anyone how to raise your children. We could say 99% of parents brainwash their children because we all instill our own beliefs and behavior in our children. Who is someone else to say that this is right or wrong?

    The government should have left all the children and parents where they were and started investigating each family and removing them based on their findings.

    Those poor children are going to be traumatized for life now, simply because the government decided their lifestyle wasn't adequate. It's pathetic.

  8. It's just a crazy cult.  I heard those women have up to 26 children so are basically pregnant for all their child-bearing years.   They dress like they're in the 19th century.   They are indeed brain-washed and good luck to anyone who tries to get out.

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