
What is wrong with women?

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They say women wrote love letters to the Son of Sam too.




  1. People with low self-esteem will latch onto anyone in the public eye.  This includes both men and women.  Anyone who picks a convicted criminal as the object of their love life needs psychotic help

  2. It is beyond me. I have read that Scott Peterson has quite a following.  Some women have it in their minds that they can "help" the criminal straighten his life around. Some women are just attracted to the "bad boys" in our world. And personally, I think if a woman marries a man who is in prison for life, she should have her head examined!

    (BTW, I am a woman)

  3. It's probably not fair to criticize all women, or all men.

    Individuals, though, are fair game. And this woman qualifies.

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