
What is xmas like in mexico (MUST SPEEAK AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!!)?

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What is xmas like in mexico (MUST SPEEAK AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!!)?




  1. Great.

    We have "posadas" nine days before christhmass, in wich Holy Family (María and José) were going to Belem, asking for a place to sleep. Children (and some adults) sing to ask for "posada" to the "peregrinos" (pilgrims, Maria and José); then, at the end, the piñatas are broken (which represents the evilness and the sin) and children get candys. This is usually by the catecism schools (at Catholic churchs). We have "nacimientos", wich is some representation about Jesus birth ("nacimiento" means "birth") with figurines. Now we aslo have xmass trees, and some lights, but never as much as in USA. We have dinner at "Noche Buena", the night on 24, so we stay awake untill midnaght to hang everybody and say "¡feliz navidad!".

    By the way, since you are asking in an english Yahoo! site, the answer must be in english; if you want it in spanish and from mexican, click down the tiny mexican flag to go there.

  2. well first of all the xmas dinner is the 24th not the 25th, we decorare the xmas tree sience the begining of the month, we dont wait till the 24th 2 do it, there r gifts under the tree. Its a familiar celebration, in many cases not just with bros, sis n parents, but also with cousins, aunts n uncles, grandparents. We use 2 eat turkey, romeritos, bacalao.

    Besides the xmas tree we have a nacimiento that is the representarion of christs birth. And some day bedore xmas its common 2 celebrate the posadas, this is a kindda party or reunion where, besides eatting :P, theres a kindda representation of the moment when Joseph and Mary ran away from Jerusalem cause Neron was gonna kill the babies, there r also piñatas!.

    There r also the pastorelas that r small representations (like theater) with characters like devil, angels and shepherds and that leaves u learnings.

  3. Huh?

    Anyway, it should be very pretty, and like with all the family.

    One thing is for sure, a lot of partying.

  4. This isn't the only yahoo answers there is.

    I'm pretty sure that most of the people that " (MUST SPEEAK AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!!)" would be where they are most comfortable.

    And in Mexico, CHRISTmas is celebrated. Not x-mas, which isn't a holiday anywhere in the world. Christmas is about celebrating time with family. Families are usually big and sometimes there is a big block party. Other families pray and do a Christmas service to remember the real reason why its a special time of the year. After that, they might do a party or get-together afterwards, but there isn't a mass ammount of gift giving.

  5. Its great. its all about family over there. There's no gifts, just a good reunion of family. In fact im leaving tommorow to mexico, go every year.

  6. Christmas in mexico is a religious holiday.  it is not a gift giving , commercial holiday like in the states.  just in the past couple of years, American based stores have begun to push all the plastic Christmas decorations and trees, and gift giving.  But for the majority of people, it is not like that.  on Jan. 6, The Day of the Kings, children sometimes receive a few small gifts.  Now, what on earth does that statement about speaking and understanding English mean?  You asked a question in English , so it is reaonable that you will recieve answers in English.  If someone had answered you in Spanish, and you do not read Spanish, you could have just ignored it.

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