
What is yahoo 360 ?

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I dont know what it is can someone please tell me. No bad comments please. Thanks




  1. Yahoo 360 is a personal communication portal.

    users may create personal web sites, share photos from yahoo Photos, maintain blogs, lists of local reviews, supply profile information, & see which friends are currently online.

    Features introduced with 360

    Themes, Blogs, Lists, Feeds, Photo, Blasts, Testimonials, Groups, Friend Updates, Quick Comments, LAUNCHcast, Reviews from Local, Shopping, Travel & Games

    goodluck ^_^

  2. It is a site where you have your own information pages,  can write blogs,   exchange chat and comments with friends .. To see an example   click on the avatars  of a few  participants on here.   some will have  a 360  sign to the right of their avatar   If you click on the 360   you will display that persons  page.   Give you an idea of what people put on there.   You can create your own 360 pages.   just follow the instructions

  3. A 360 is your own page in cyber space. U can tell about urself n ur interests. U can upload pictures of u n ur family n friends. Write blogs (basically a story or thought) about whatever is going on in ur life, or in ur mind...some ppl just blog about funny stuff, or inspirational things..some use it like a diary n tell all about their life. U can "decorate" the page the way u like. Soon after activating ur page n getting started, u can visit other ppl's pages n leave them a comment, then they will most likely come bk to ur page n leave a comment..this is social networking. This is how u will end up with friends..u can invite someone to be ur friend (by clicking on Add, on their page), and sometimes ppl will invite u, if u like each others pages. It's fun n interesting n u get to know so many different types of ppl. Just go to and u'll be able to activate/create your 360 page. It's free and comes automatically with ur Y! email account.

  4. click on my profile and you should be able to see one!

    it is a profile page like bebo or facebook!

  5. Its like a place of your vary own on the Internet. Check out mine.   
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