
What is yahudi translated as in english?

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Someone said jews are not mentioned in the Qur'an and yahudi cant be translated as jews?




  1. holocaust


  2. Some people on net behaves peculiar like robots.

  3. the word 'yahudi' is the Arabic word for Jew

  4. Yahudi is translated as jews. That I don't know, make sure that he is accurate that jews or yahudi are not mentioned in the Quran.

  5. "Yahudi" is translated as "Jews".

    was that this loser :;_ylt...

    this guy claim that there is no  Jesus , Christian , Jew  mention in the Qur'an.

    He thinks that "Isa" is different from "Jesus" , "Jew" different from "Yahud" etc..

    I said this guy hundred of time that Qur'an is in Arabic , so you can't find that English word in Qur'an, you will find the Arabic word.but he didn't accept that and called me  Kaafir and said that I  worship King Jamesng James.

    This guy is having a big misunderstanding..;...

  6. We have to ask this question to those who knows hebrew.

  7. yahudi= a jew


  8. Yahudi means jew.

    And in holy Quran its mentioned as yahud.

  9. Yahudi is the Arabic reference to Jews.  In the Al- Quran , The Jews are referrred as 'Bani Israel'

  10. Wahhabi's

  11. Yahudi means jew.

  12. Salam for you Many people translated yahudi as jews  or israelis.But in the Qur'an,Allah spoke that Yacoob,Musa and Jesus were prophets for Bani Israel or Israel tribe.In the Qur'an,Allah spoke that Ibrahim prophet was not an israeli

  13. Yahudi means Jews

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