
What is yearly the average membership fee in a snooker club in the UK?

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Are there extremes, a variety of prices due to quality or image, or is a calculated average a fair chance of what one pays. I am Flemish, so I don't know. I would like to compare with club prices here. Don't include price for your personal cue and the booze :-).




  1. Banbury is £5 to join as a member for a year then £5 per hour

  2. mine free membership 530 an hour

  3. It varies enormously.Currently,due to smoking ban,snooker clubs are closing at their fastest ever rate.You are not flemish,you are belgian

  4. an annual membership fee is £10. and the average hourly rate would be around the £5 mark.

  5. The local snooker club charges only a nominal annual membership fee, and often charges no membership fee at all in a bid to attract members, but the table fees are expensive, at around £5 per hour. Another local club folded after some disasterous promotion - they hired a professional player and forgot to tell anyone!

  6. At my local club in Pwllheli, North Wales (6 tables) it's £12 a year.The light meters take 20p coins and you get 10 minutes for 20p.As under 18s are allowed in there is no bar.

    There are  teams that compete in the area league .

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