
What is you God honest opinion???

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had my period June 20th - 25th. I was a normal period *I am due for my period every 24-28 days* on days 15-17 i was spotting. It was nothing close to a period, it was light light pink. We have been BD a lot for the past 6 months and no luck. I was due for my period in between July 14th and the 17th and nothing yet. I took a hpt test on JUly 16th which was day 27 and it was negative. I have been very moody, very very tired, breast have been hurting, back hurts, get headaches out of no where, Ive notice its uncomfortable to lay on my stomach. I took a test on Saturday morning which was day 37 and it was negative... Today is day 53... 3 1/2 weeks since my missed period... i took a blood pregnancy test wednesday 7/30 but it was negative...went bak to the dr to take another one. ..... what ur opinion?? Is it possible that I'm pregnant?? Is it possible to get negative on a blood pregnancy test and still be pregnant?? I have a friend/ co-worker... who told me that when she was pregnant with her 2nd child, she took a blood pregnancy test and it was negative and then 2 months after that when she was hospitalized cuz of her abusive husband, they find out she was 4 MONTHS pregnant because they heard a second heart beat... u think it could be tru... 2 b 2 months pregnant and have a negative blood pregnancy test???




  1. You first need to realize that since this situation is not the norm and that there are many possibilities of what this could be, you need to be looking down EVERY avenue and not just pregnancy.  Your health could be at stake... take precaution.

    The first thing that came to my mind is that it is absolutely nothing.  Sound odd?  Well, I would be willing to bet money that every woman, even the most regular of us all, will have an "off" month and it is not uncommon nor is it a problem indicator.  You have 2 main phases in your cycle and you can read about them in detail in the first link I give you.  In short, the first phase is the Follicular phase, the days from the first day of your period to the day of ovulation.  This phase can vary in length from a few days shorter or longer than usual or a few weeks shorter or longer than usual.  This causes you to be late sometimes on your period and isn't a problem at all as far as being healthy goes.  But I suppose when you are racking your brain and spending money on pregnancy tests and doctor visits - it is pretty nerve wrecking!  The second phase is the Luteal phase (the days from the day after ovulation to the day before your next period) and is generally the same length in days.  I have been charting my cycles for a year and a half and I have always had an 11 day Luteal phase with the exception of two 10 and one 13 day Luteal phase cycles.  

    The next think I thought was that you had an anovulatory month.  This would mean that you just didn't ovulate this cycle, that you didn't have an egg come down.  This is also completely normal to even the most healthiest women.

    Talk with your doctor and find out if there is a problem.

  2. You need to ask a specialist about this because 53-day cycle when your are normally 28 days .... that's not right. This could be easily fixable and you'll get yourself all stressed out if you don't get a doctor to examine you. If you're pregnant (and you'd be almost 2 months along) they will be able to tell very quickly with an ultrasound, or even by looking at your cervix. And if you're not pregnant, they need to help you get your cycles back to normal. Either way, be sure to see an OBGYN (not a normal doctor; they'll only refer you and charge you for 2 co-pays!) and keep us posted, OK? xoxoxoxx

  3. I think that blood tests are very accurate because the hcg hormone shows up in the blood first and then the urine.  I think that you have some symptoms, but you aren't pregnant, or you might just now be pregnant because sometimes you can get pregnant after your supposed ovulation day.  Wait a couple of weeks and take another test.  I don't have the answer you wanted to hear, I am sure, but I don't think your preggers.

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