How is your government doing?
If any- one citizen living in the United States feels that the answer to this statement might be true, then it is time for you to act. Stop sitting on your hands doing nothing to fix our problems in Government. No more sitting back waiting for some knight in shining armor to come rescue you, they just are not going to come. No more putting your trust in those fast talking pimps because they care more about their own family, friends and MONEY then doing the real work of the people. Moreover, no more expecting those that we elected to do what is in the best interest of you, the city, the state, or your NATION for to many have proven to us they are inapt and not even deserving of our respect.
In order for our Country, and our expected way of life to be sustained, and thrive, it is going to take the citizens that really care enough to pull it out of the pathetic state that our leaders and have now put us in. It is going to take the citizens to start evicting the present so-called leaders and start electing people that care and lead by example. You want change and respectability from other countries. Then stop falling on the sward and start thinking about change that will help us out of our situation and help us grow. We the people need to start stepping up and voicing out about these people and the changes needed, to bring us back to the GREAT NATION we should be and once were. Remember these caring elected people tell us what we want to hear just to get into office, and then they show their true colors. They are taking away our way of life, our jobs, our culture, our plain existence. Honestly, can these people that have hurt us so much care, be trusted with any more of our future. We must stop allowing ourselves to be lead astray by any organizations such as the Democratic Party, Republican Party, or any group, or any other organization. We deserve better, far too many of our pseudo leaders could not lead us past the front door of their banks and are leading us astray with plain BULL, most if not all are just self-fulfilling, and self motivated. THIS MOST STOP
One of the greatest things we have in America is the power to make change. As some of the greatest ancestors that founded our great nation intended and fought for us. This is why we have the right to protest and remove the power that is damaging or economy and national security. Our constitution within it self-states we all have a voice that we have rights and should stand up and act, be counted.
As our Government has grown 60% over the last 10 years, we have lost our way. One hand is unsure of what the other is doing, weeks of debate to fix nothing, Congressional hearing over steroids in baseball, the list is endless. Moreover, all the while, we the people are without jobs, economy is in a free fall, housing foreclosures everywhere, and our nation is shipping jobs and companies to other countries. We have become so TOP heavy and controlling that the people are the last thing they seem to care about. Keep in mind they keep collect there pay for this poorly, and inadequate job they are performing. We cry foul over the slaves of the past and wrong we where. However, that is what we are moving back to with the way our present GOVERNMENTS thinking. This time it is the powerful and the big corporations the rich and government leaders Vs the little people (slaves), that are dying off and forced to work at nothing jobs as the good jobs leave the our country.
NAFTA, a way for the United States to increase jobs and a foothold in the world, what jobs you might ask, I ask that myself everyday another company leaves for Mexico, Japan ect. We have lost over 40,000 companies over the last few years and more than 500,000 jobs this year alone. Therefore, I ask , is our Government doing the right thing for our nation, our people. Are these holders of offices helping the people or just the corporations? In reality who is beneficiary of the changes, they have made to our customs laws and open borders, truly not the American people. Truly not the hard working people that made this country great, not the grandfather that is forced to work at Wal-Mart at the age of 72, because he can’t afford his prescriptions. As Mr. Bush, is set to leave office with his FULL retirement package for life I might add, after doing such a p**s poor job for the last eight years, will he care about the damage he and this cronies in congress, and house have done to the American economy, I THINK NOT. Much like the companies that give big severance packages to CEOs that have mismanaged a business, after the stockholders have lost millions. One that comes to mine is a CEO that received 68 Million in severance for his inapt work (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). Another is American Axel, 8 Million dollar bonus, and a raise after employees took pay cuts; benefit cutbacks, and costing more the 300 AMERICAN people there job in the United States that moved to MEXICO, sure, he deserves a raise.
Again, I cannot stress enough how important it is for the people of the United States to be the agent of change for the betterment of America and for saving our Nation, DELAY on this will lead to our own demise. We are constantly saying that the Government is destroying our lives and we need less Government interference, then we need to fine the fortitude that lies within ourselves to stop them NOW. Selfish politicians that claim there helping, and looking out for us are now mistreating and abusing us. Over empowerment in office has allowed them to destroy us and destroy our GREAT NATION. We need to rebel against them and do the right thing, force them to do the right thing or get out of office; the situation has become so pathetic in the United States that it is now or we all will parish into a 3rd world nation. To protest is much like a riot; you can force change, but it is not going to change if we keep excepting the wrongs that we are and have endured. We must stan up and fight back, we are the leaders of change in this world and we must not allow them to continue their dangerous, destructive, and greedy ways.
We deserve better, rise up make a stand, start making a difference TODAY, be heard now. Truly, any politician that really cares has a stake in this and the UNITED STATES and should stand next to and with us and finely fight for the people and FORCE CHANGE TO NAFTA and illegal Immigration, and this mismanaged Government as a hole. Someone needs to come forward, embrace this movement, and improve AMERICAS FATE. The fate of AMERICA rest with the people right now, because we can no longer have faith, or trust in the ones we have so inaptly placed in office and in control of our GREAT NATION.
We have elected the same people to the same office so many times that they feel it is their right to be there, along with that, we have so many of our politicians with family and friends in office its turned into too ; the good old boy game. Furthermore, we allow a politician to move from one office to another when they can’t run there anymore because of time restraints, what good is that, we just open the door for them to do favors for one another to get that post, and we end up with the same results, different person.
However, with our own inability to see the truth, and past their GREEDY way and bad decisions we have failed ourselves. Nevertheless, it is not to late to correct our problem. We can stand up and do today what we should have done yesterday or last week. KICK THEM TO THE SAME CURB THEY HAVE BEEN TRYING TO KICK US TO AND START OVER WITH NEW AND VERY AMERICAN PEOPLE.