
What is your 1st impression of the advert valentino rock n rose perfume in the OK magazine?

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can you please tell me what your think about the advert and the langugae used rock n rosee.




  1. I honestly don't look at advertisements in magazines, I feel that they're a distraction...but I do understand that they help pay for the magazines to be printed, but w/e.

  2. The name Valentino is significant.  But then you'd need to be pretty old to remember him.

    Rudoph Valentino - Son of the Sheik 1926 [silent movie]

    In his day Valentino was a screen idol and a s*x god.  So, perhaps the makers of this perfume are not so daft after all!

    The TV ad for Valentino Rock n Rose perfume

    Bit confusing really.  Are they telling me that if I buy the product for my girlfriend it will turn her on or what?

    There is only one perfume

    Coco Chanel

  3. I think it's meant to be quite s**y and alluring, but not in the kind of way like a page three girl. i dont think its an advert aimed at men. Its probably trying to get across to women that it can make them feel s**y by wearing it.

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