
What is your 3.5 year old able to do.?

by Guest57644  |  earlier

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I have heard from several people that my daughter is quite smart. However, to me, she is just a normal 3.5 yr old. She is able to count to 23 (with some errors in the teens), say her alphabet, knows all of her colours, recognises some letters and can write some letters. Although her speach isn't always clear to others I understand her quite well. She speeks in sentences (ussually about 6-7 words but sometimes more). She had to be placed in the older room at daycare early because she was always upset in the younger room. Is she a normal 3.5 year old or is she smarter like lots of people have said.




  1. The trick is how your attending your child.

    For example mine dosent whatch tv she reads and every week she gets a new book , so parents are saying shes incredable in away she is.

    If i continue to do this and have her keep excersizes then she is above average of most 3.5 thats important these are tools theyll need when they go to school and make logical decisions even eating habits im already starting on the manner effect. keep it up really and dont slack other wise she'll slake.

  2. hI MY nAme i s      zoe.  i AM 3.  i can reed a n d       wri t.

  3. My nephew just turned 2 and he can sing the abc song. He can also identify all the letters and numbers and it is all thanks to this leapfrog laptop. I would recommend this toy to all little ones.

  4. I think you need to go on your Mommy instincts here. Moms usually know when their child is bright and so do others. I also have a very bright child. She has always done things ahead of  other children, but it isn't what she repeats back to me, but how she acts, carries herself, emotions, talking with others, etc that you see how really bright she is. I say if others are saying this about your daughter then chances are you have a bright daughter. Just go with the flow. Nurture her needs and don't over push. Enjoy her for all that she is right now. Academics will come soon enough in time.

  5. mine is 5 and can't count to 10, knows the colors can write some letters. so either mine is dumb( i don't think so) or ur's is really smart (i think so) CONGRATS !!!

  6. Actually, she sounds like she's about the same developmentally as my son, who will be 4 in January, but I have heard the same thing about him. No, apparently not all 3 year olds can have normal, full conversations with you, which I didn't know either. It is actually starting to become pretty noticeable that he had a MUCH more developed vocabulary early on as compared to his almost 2 year old sister--but at the time, we never thought there was anything unusual about it.

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