
What is your 3 favorite Horse Breeds and why.?

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I'm just curious. My 3 favorite are......

Arabian because they are spirited, elegant, smart, and because they are a stunning sight to see in motion.

Paint Horses are also at the top of list because they a very durable horses, with a passion to please their rider, and because they are so unique, every one is different. They also obtain a speed that when released it breaks the very law of physics.

Friesians are at the only at number 3 because there can't be 3 number 1's. They are so poetic, the flowing mane and tail. Not to mention when they are in motion its like watching an angel take flight.




  1. I like Florida Crackers, because they are very old, and yet not very common. They have a lot of history in Florida.

    I like Terskys because they have a beautiful metallic silver coat, and again, aren't very common. I also like Friesans as well, black ones.

  2. 1. Arabian


    3.Quarter horse

  3. I would have to say Arabians because they are smart and strong. They also have a personality and are fun horses.

    quarter horses are the standard all around working horse that someone can have they are great to have and are great to ride. They have there own way of doing things, but they are good horses

    Morgans i love because they are great to ride, they have a flow that not all horses have. They are great with children and have a wonderful personalty.

  4. Bavarian warmblood - i love their short, wide heads, and big bright puppydog eyes! they have teddy bear personalities, and are fantastic movers and jumpers. Big bodied but can move!! they are really laid back, unlike the typical warmblood

    Belgian Warmblood - BIG bodied WBs with long legs, great jumpers, Big almost roman noses.

    Thoroughbred or irish sport horse - athletic, long legs, lean, fast, great eventers!!!! fiery/hot temperments!!!! Tall!!!

    OOOH i like the Zweibruecker, Wiirtemburg, holsteiner or friesian too!!!

  5. Who can choose favorites?

  6. Paint : They paint the wind...

    AQHA: good for riding

    appendix: a nice mix!

  7. 1. hanoverians

    2. morgansXquarter horses

    3. thoroughbreds

    cuz ive had one of each and i've never seen anything wrong with them... but i cant really choose favorites... those are really the only ones ive thoroughly (like days of research) researched... besides like reading stuff... i do really like irish sporthorses though... warmbloods and hotbloods are my favs of the blood groups

  8. I love all of them but my top three would probably be..hmm...quarter horses...clydesdales...and probably palomino! Hope this helps!

  9. Quarter Horses- the best westren riding horses, all colors

    Haflingers- Sure footed, small, tough, strong.

    Friesians-I love how elegant they are...Beautiful

  10. I don't really have 3 favorites but -

    my number one would be Dutch Warmbloods - elegant, steady, big, beautiful

    i also like minis (so cute) - but they're not really my top 3 favs.

    I also like Thoroughbred/Trakehner mixes.  My mom has one and he's beautiful!!!!!!!

  11. my first is hackney x they are wonderful movers and jumpers!

    2nd is arabian because they are so different to ride. whenever i ride them i always learn something new!

    my 3rd favourite is tb x clyd. they look soo cute!

  12. 1. Irish Draughts.

    Irish horses are at the top of my list, period. And I don't even have any Irish in me, so I'm not biased! Bold o/f, built to stay sound, beautiful, and athletic. What's not to love?

    2. Holsteiner.

    Again, an awesome jumper. Many warmbloods are built well up front, but don't compensate with the hind end. This breed DOES, and it pays off when it comes to jumping!

    3. Thoroughbred.

    Always love a quirky, intelligent, somewhat flambouyant horse. TBs will always be a classic english horse, and they've got stamina to boot. Always a special place in my heart for them.

  13. Arabians because of their firery nature and the agility

    Belgiums because of the calm minds and the strenght

    and Lipizzanerrs because of their beauty, strength, brains, power, and ability in their mouvement.

  14. 1. Arabian - Sleek, smooth, sneaky, and sly.  They can get into and out of anything before you know what happened.

    2. Clydesdale - I like them because they seem so epic, majestic and the trained ones look poised and prissy.

    3: Miniature Ponies - Need I say more?  Some are smaller than your dog, they make such great pets.

  15. Indian Shuffling Appaloosas because they are close to the original

    Colonial Spanish Mustangs because this country was built from their backs

    (and MOST of the American breeds descend from them)

    Florida Cracker Horses (Florida's Official Heritage Horse) because they're Spanish Colonial, gaited and they're close by!

    And, they come in about any color you could want!

  16. I love Irish Draughts

    I think they are so energetic yet trusting and are great jumper. My passion

    Hanoverians: They are just so beautiful

    Hackney: i love there petite and thing bodys.

  17. POA-that was the first breed i fell in love with. they are very fancy and loving. most only conect to one person. my POA only lets me on her and anyone else who even trys is in trouble. its a bad habbit that has never been broken, and i sorta stinks because if i am having a problem i cant have a more advance trainer to shape her up . lucky for me thats rare haha.

    Tb- they are very powerful and have always been very insteritng to me. all the Tbs ive ever worked with are from the track. and they are better then what some people say. i have one Tb and he is so tall and they become gentel giants fast.

    Appys- i love to see their coloring paterns, and such. some can be very onery though.which stinks because they are so pretty.

  18. QH coz they are fast and quiet, anderlusions coz they are stunning and TB coz they are spirited and checky

  19. Well. my favorite breed... i dont really have one.

    In general i love warmbloods.

    So swedish warmbloods, hano's, trakehners, etc.

    I love them because they're kind spirited and athletic, but they have a beautiful build and are very willing.

    I also love thoroughbreds because they may take extra time to get them to like you, but once they do, they're extremely sweet and they'll do anything to please you.

    I also like shires, because i ride one right now, because i love how big and willing they are, and they seem so quirky. (at least the one i ride does. but he's not fully a shire. he's half shire half belgian. his name's buddy. i call him buddy the bulldozer though because he like to run over EVERYTHING. i guess he'll learn not to though. he's only 4.)


    yup. and i love arabs, paints, and friesians too. they're beautiful horses. but then again, i love all horses.

  20. 1. Quarter Horses- bc they are georgeus and smart and have i wonderful since of humor.

    2.Trakners- bc i like big horses and they are really big and can jump amaznly

    3.Paint Horses- i just love them

  21. well.. i'm not totally sure about my 2nd and 3rd faves.. but welsh ponies are my favorite breed :)

  22. Appaloosas, lots of native intelligence, endurance, and heart, a true horseman's horse

    Akhal Teke, because they are just as tough and beautiful as the land they are from

    and tennessee walkers, because really, what's not to love about them?

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