
What is your 4 month old doing ??

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My daughter will be 4 months in 2 weeks. I'm just curious about what other 4 month olds are doing ? My daughter is eating 5 - 6 ounces every 2 - 3 hours. Shes in a size 2 diaper. She wears size 3 months in clothes. She holds things like rattles. she sleeps thru the night. She laughs, especially when i tickle her, smiles all the time, always kicks her feet when shes happy. Shes a very happy girl :] so what are yall's 4 month olds doing?




  1. She sounds like a happy and healthy baby.  My niece is 8 months and on a size 2 pampers diaper. She tiny.  

  2. My son will be 4 months on Sept 25th.  He's is really happy and smiling lots.  Not laughing yet but he's trying.  He gets really excited and kicks and swings his arms like crazy and makes lots of ahh goo sounds.  He's 13 pounds and eats 3-4oz every 2-3 hours.  Sleeps though the night almost every other night otherwise wakes up once.  Still in size 1 diapers and wearing 3 month clothes.  He just started losing the hair off the top of his head =(  

    He seems like a different baby from about a month ago just so happy =)

    He was also 7 weeks premature.

  3. Well my daughter is 11 months, but I remember when she was 4 months quite well. I remember it was the first time she actually burst out in laughter. It had me cracking up because it was at absolutely nothing. I think she was eating about 5 oz at every feeding. She was wearing 6 month clothing though...she's a chubby girl! She slept through the night SOMETIMES. This is also the month that she starting sitting up by herself and had it mastered by 5 months. She also rolled from back to tummy at 4 months.

    Edit-Just wanted to add (since I forgot), that I'm pretty sure my daughter was on to size 3 diapers at 4 months...or very shortly after. She's a little chunk lol. She's 11 months now and wearing 18 month clothes!

  4. Emma was rolling both ways at four months and had just learned to say dada.  She said ah goo a lot and was laughing a lot.  She was drinking 8 oz bottles plus brown rice cereal.  She was sleeping thru the night and weighed 16 pounds.

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