
What is your Favorite brand of Peanut Butter? And Jelly or Jam??

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We have a big grocery store chain here called Wegmans and they make their own brand of Fruit Spread, it's all I use and I love it. Link below.




  1. Jif because you know ~~>choosy mothers choose "JIF" u

    Skippy is next in line!

    And Jams and jellies well my home made of course next probably hm....Knotts Berry Farm or Smuckers..I rarely buy store bought.

  2. My favorite is a brand called Nature YUM. I love it because it's all natural. I only buy natural kinds. Brad's Organic Peanut Butter is good, too.

  3. Thats pretty cool that you can get some homemade stuff for your sandwiches.

    My favorites are Smuckers brands and JIF baby!!!!

  4. Store brand Peanut Butter, Jelly and Jam are flavorful and nutricious, costing less.

    Advertising is overrated

    ShopRite is the grocery of preference and convenience.

  5. wholefoods.

    it's got no added sugar and very crunchy nuts.

    it's yum.

    fave jam-robertsons raspberry seedless

    I'm Uk based.

    In america I also like skippy

  6. Peter Pan Peanut Butter (Great Value Peanut Butter from Wal Mart is the same thing, BTW) and BAMA jellies and jams -- BAMA may not be a national brand, but it's great. The best "national brand" is Smucker's.  My favorite jelly is Blackberry, followed closely by Grape.

  7. Smucker All Natural PB, and I love Smucker Concord Grape, mmmmm, with a BIG glass of milk....lunch time!

  8. I like a brand called sunpat. I'm UK based so I haven't tried skippy.

    fun question- *star*

  9. i'm also UK based but i've tried skippy, you can get it from Costco. otherwise i like sunpat but REESE is my favourite by far.

    smooth allthe way woooo

  10. always go with jiff....but listen to this, have you ever tried reese's peanut butter....its awesome, but not something you would put on a PB & J sandwich, sorry went off on a bit of a side note....back to the jelly, i have always been partial to smuckers, grape or strawberry, but their are many others out their that my wife buys and are good.

  11. Hello,

    I like Jif Peanut Butter. I use it alot, especially in baking. My favorite jelly or jam is Schmucker's and my own homemade. They are really good. Especially my Chocolate Red Raspberry Jam.

    Genesee from

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