
What is your Favorite drink to Order from Starbucks?

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If you don't like Starbucks then please don't bother answering!




  1. Triple shot of espresso because their regular coffee is bad & their espresso is tolerable.

  2. iced nonfat white chocolate mocha. definitely :D

  3. Ugh. Fru-fru drinks. Kids, you really are NOT drinking coffee.

    Their coffee of the day is pretty decent, though, if overpriced.

  4. Caramel frappichino..with whip cream...!! yum

  5. Ooohhh - Triple grande non-fat caramel macchiato!

    They offer skinny lattes now so I can get the skinny caramel macchiato which uses sugar free syrup and skim milk.

    It takes off around 100 calories!

  6. carmel frap

  7. I like the regular coffee, short.

  8. hmm.. sigh.. we don't have a starbucks around here for at least a 2 hour drive.. OH HOW I MISS THE CITY!!! :'(............

    Iced chai Frapp. on hot days... :D  LOVE THE ICED CHAI!!!!!!!!

  9. Chocolate cream Frappuchino !

  10. plain coffe-they get confused

  11. haha, ok....I am one of those people that it takes 5 minutes to order one cup of coffee. Ready? A grande soy, no foam, sugar free vanilla latte. Delicious!! :)

  12. Decaf White choc/ Mocha with xtra shot of syrup.

  13. I like Starbucks, but I can't afford it!!!!!! I had some chocolate rasberry coffee once there and it was ok, but not for the price.

    However, I love Dunkin Donuts coffee. A large, light and sweet please!!!!

  14. hot days-caramel frapaccino w/ wipd cream. cold days-hot chocolate.

  15. Their chai (hot or cold!) plus hot chocolate.

    Now I want Starbucks :)

  16. house coffee, or americano

  17. double chocolate chip frappucino

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