
What is your Honest opinion on climate change/global warming?

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What is your Honest opinion on climate change/global warming?




  1. its kinda scary coz either we die or our kids ect die

  2. Global warming is a natural phase of Earth, caused by some Solar Activities by Sun. We human don't have to bother about it. Some of the environmentalist says that this is because of the CO2 we are emitting into the environment, but the reality is that we are just contributing towards 1% to 10% of actual global warming.

    If the actual cause of Global Warming is CO2 emitted by the humans then why Global Warming occures on other planets. Just Google for "Global Warming on other planets" and see the results, there are no humans on other planets.

    Having too little CO2 in the environment will cause for the plants to die more early, more over it also cools down the temperature on earth.

    Having too much CO2 (obiviously, not caused by humans. Mostly generated in the Sea/Oceans) will lead to Green House effect and will lead in increasing the temperature on Earth.

    So, the best is to plant more trees so that there would be a balance for the consumption of CO2 on the planet.

    I personally think that instead of thinking on this baseless issue try to think on what if Nuclear War broke out in the world, it will destroy Earth more rapidly.

    So, next time whenever somebody says you about global warming, just ignore it.

  3. That it is a scam.

  4. It's true and it's scary. Let me tell a personal example.

    I live in Finland in northern Europe and I'm 19 years old. In 2006 I experienced my first snowless Christmas and same happened also 2007. We've had now two black Christmases in a row and before that I hadn't experienced a black Christmas. In winter 2007-2008  we actually didn't even have properly snow at all. Snow just kept coming and melting. Before we've always had at least 3 fully snowy winter months. In here it's definitely getting warmer.

    Don't you think it's a bit childish to believe that scientists and leaders of to world have made a big hoax just to annoy you? The threat is real. We aren't sure of the effects of co2 in environment, but if we keep going like this we are going to destroy this planet in one way or another.

    Our actions have consequences. We keep realeasing massive amounts of co2 and other poisons into the athmosphere and it's dumm to believe it's not going affect anything.

  5. My honest opinion is that James Lovelock and Tim Flannery and all the other brilliant scientists are right. The Earth's temperature is rising due to that haze of pollution we see in every landscape from California to China and just a few degrees of average temperature rise across the globe will disrupt the delicate balance of the Earth's environment and tip us over into something catastrophic. Just imagine a pan of beans or a kettle of water. All's smooth and warm until it gets hot, and then everything changes. This is not as stupid as it sounds. There are tipping points in every physical system and they can change from a mild state to an aggressive state very quickly.

  6. I have researched it thoroughly and objectively.

    Global Warming is not real.  It was created to scare people.

    Read more in my blog:


  7. I think its all a big lie

  8. 1. I think Canada should invest in energy windmills - Germany is doing it.

    2. The transit system should be more efficient.

    3. Alternative fuel efficient cars should be available at competative prices.

    4. Goods should not be over packaged. The packaging should be reused and then recycled.

    5. Manufacturing companies should be heavily fined for not recycling packaging and other material. Retail companies should also be fined for not recycling packaging materials.

    6. People should use cloth bags for shopping.

    7. People should plant trees along the highway to bring down the CO2 in the air.

    8. The city should provide recycling bins around the city to allow it's citizens to recycle.

  9. Global warming is a hoax. The temp may be warming a little in some areas but it is dropping in others. All weather goes in cycles. Ten thousand years ago, half of the US mainland was covered by glaciers. The scam is that all these dire predictions of doom and gloom are whats not real. That is being used to scare us into giving up our freedom to "save the planet". The socialist and commies tried this for 100 years and it didnt work so now they are using global warming to do it. And its working. I mean who doesnt want to save the planet from destruction. This scam is going to wind up costing the world its freedom and we are going to do it to ourselves

    EDIT:  Hey Ica R, when you're just a little bit older, honey, you'll realize that the things you are talking about are cyclic.  Things like this happen from time to time; before you know it, you'll have such snowy winters going on you won't believe the difference and global warming will be the farthest thought from your mind!

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