
What is your Nickname?

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mines Jay




  1. Cuffs. I got cuff brusies on my wrist lol.

  2. Katty. I don't know if I like that or not. :)

  3. jezzms

  4. My name is Julimel and these are my nicknames:

    July - coz my bday is 07/07




    George - some guy had a crush on me and called my house many times asking for a 'George'

  5. gull- i-ble

  6. DAD



  7. My family have shortened my name to Lau when they like me. My mother calls me Loretta when she's not pleased with me. And my sister calls me Lausie because I let her. My name is Laura, by the way.

  8. i'm krazie...

  9. sheynon.

  10. Tweetybird...and Sanchi haha

  11. Don't have one anymore.  My true name is Richard.  Along the way people have called me Richie, Rick, d**k, Ricky and Rich.  I prefer my true name, and people do calle me by that nowadays; but I'm sure there are some people who might have some "choice" nicknames for me about which I know nothing.  LOL.

  12. I found out the neighbors call me "the cat lady".

  13. Belle, Bella

  14. Nostradormouse.

    I'm narcoleptic and clairvoyant.

  15. Mellie, or MellieBonk

    Long story. :)

  16. Squiggles. Looooong story...
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