
What is your OCD? (or weird habit)

by  |  earlier

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mine is that i always have to have the time showing in the car.

usually it will show what radio station it is but if you press a button

the time will come up.

and if that time is not up i flip out until the button is pressed.




  1. I can't sleep if my room isn't clean and my things aren't lined up in order. I have to organize my things and sanitize things and I over bleach my white clothes, lol.. I hate it when zippers are unzipped on backpacks or pockets are sticking out, I hate dirty sinks, I wash my hands excessively, lol.

    that's pretty much it?

  2. when i eat, i cant mix and match diffreent foods, for example, i eat all my meat, then vegtables then potatoes. My food also cant touch each other or i wont eat it.

  3. haha..

    I get pretty obsessive when I'm trying to get to sleep. I have to have all doors closed and complete darkness... so I have to get up to turn off the landing light every night and cover the plug socket light and make sure that the curtain doesn't have any gaps in it.... and then I close my eyes anyway so it doesn't really make a lot of sense..

  4. If I or someone else is stacking something, such as books, it has to go in order of size, with the biggest item on the bottom of the pile stacking up to the smallest on top. Also, pens and pencils arranged on my desk have to go in order of size. Basically everything has to be arranged by order of size. It's ridiculous. And it all has to be straight. Everything has to be in order, straightened out, and look organized otherwise I'll flip out and redo it, even if it is going to make me late for something.

  5. I can't fall asleep if there are cupboards or closet doors open everything has to be perfect and sometimes i get up just to see if all the doors are closed.Yeah its weird.

  6. my dad has a mini bookshelf in the living room and it's right across our computer so everytime i'm on the computer and i turn around to see something on tv i always glance at the bookshelf and if a book is turned a different way or just doesnt look right then i have to get up and fix it and if i see a probelm but dont get up to fix it then i go insane until i do i have major anxiety if i dont, i know it's weird lol

  7. I have issues with organization and alphabetizing.  My movies, video games and books all have to be set up alphabetically according to media-type, of course.  I'm chewing my nails over how I'm going to do 'The Dark Knight' when the first one was called 'Batman Begins'.  Part of my OCD involves having sequels of movies stacked right next to the original.

  8. Hey, Here's the habit that i wish i could get rid of, After washing any kind of fruit or wegetable i like to dry it with a Cleanex, and when i wash a plate and want to eat in it i dry it with a cleanex, I also dry the glasses and mugs by the cleanex even Before drinking Water, which is crazy cuz it'll just become wet again!!

    I can use a cleanex for's becoming untolerable and annoying to me, it's just a habit now, i cant stop using tissues!!

    I Even wrote a poem on tissues :-D Yup, and it's popular with my friends they love it ;-)

    Also, I always wash my hands after doing pretty much anything, after brushing my hair, wearing my socks, wearing the shoes, after shower even!!! After putting on make up, after writing something with a pen or pencil.

    I get grossed if i  touch anything outside my home and i think i'm seriously having an OCD!!

    Am I?!

  9. I have a routine i have to go through before going to bed, like i have to say goodnight to my family in the right order, when i go into my room i have to shut the door & turn off the light, i wont let my twin sister do it (we share a room) then i get into bed & i have to make sure i say 'see you in the morning' to my twin...and she has to say it back.

    Its so odd but i have to do it otherwise i think something bad will happen. x

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