
What is your Wii Fit age ?

by  |  earlier

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Mines 14, and my actual age is 14 hahaa :)




  1. Dont know....... but my mental age is about 7.

  2. well gud 4 u! god im 14 and mine has ranged from 60 to 16 to 21 to 49 i dunno taking a guess maybe i have had 4  pastlifes i was all those ages even though i dont believe in that.....! x

  3. Last time I played (which was months ago) It was me real age

  4. Mine is between the 40s and the 60s it changes every time. I'm not really that good at the events anyway so it doesn't really work. I'm 19

  5. 24, which is pretty amazing seeing as I'm alergic to the gym and do no more exercise than walking to my car! My mum (who's 55) managed 40 and she's very excited! x

  6. 28

  7. I dont have itt yet ..

    it must be amazing

  8. mine is 15 and im 14. im just like you!

  9. Changes from day to day. I can be a year over actual or 15 years minus depending on the tests given and how I'm feeling that day. I tend to ignore the Wii Fit age part now in favor of getting straight to the exercise part. Lost 13 pounds so far in 70 days and am going for an even 20.

  10. Mine's 13 and my real age is13.

  11. 102 , im 40 , says he reaching for his glass of whiskey , while tipping the ash on his king Edward  

  12. +12 =  40

  13. 67 :( my real age is 31(just)

    how depressing is that.

    life is nearly over according to wii fit.

  14. well im 14 to and i allways get 14 i have got it 9 times now since i got the wii and it seems to easy  

  15. mines 12 And my actual age is 13 lol ::))

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